14. After Work

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Chapter 14
After Work

Donghyuck didn't know how he managed to spend the rest of the ride with Mark on the ferris wheel after his unheard confession.

They all decided to go home after the fireworks show and their friends asked them everything on what happened in the ferris wheel, they said nothing and of course, Donghyuck didn't tell what he said.

Well, except Jungwoo. He trusts him enough.

"Why didn't you tell him personally? I mean you are soulmates and there's nothing wrong about it." Jungwoo said while he's busy doing the orders of the customer.

They are now talking about Mark, who's now wiping the tables that's been emptied by the customers.

"He said we should forget about the kiss. Isn't that a good sign that I need to slow down?" Donghyuck said and smiled at the customer, taking his order.

"You should confess again." Jungwoo suggested but Donghyuck ignored him.

"I mean, he won't punch you right?" He assured. "Look, he admitted that you're soulmates."

"He admitted it but nothing changed."

"And the, and I quote, "God made me to be yours." end quote, part?" Jungwoo said, "Mark!"

Donghyuck protested and panicked, "Jungwoo! Shh!" He said and doesn't know what to do.

"Relax.." Jungwoo laughed, Mark went to him and asked why, "Bring this to table number 3." He said and Mark gave the order to the customer.

"About that part, everyone is made to be with someone." Donghyuck shrugged.

"And that someone always falls inlove to where he or she is made for." Jungwoo winked at him, he just rolled his eyes.

The whole day was tiring, well, every day when they are at work. But that whole day, Donghyuck's mind is full of Jungwoo's words... well, full of Mark too.

"Mark..." He said in the locker room when they are getting their belongings, Mark looked at him. "Hmm?"

Even his "hmm?" is so cute. Donghyuck thought and hid his smile.

"Uh... Meet me after you're finished there, let's go home together. I have something to say." Donghyuck didn't let him answer as he stormed out of the room. Leaving Mark confused.

"What..." Mark told himself and just shrugged.

Donghyuck was waiting outside the coffee shop and debating with himself.

"Yes, there's nothing wrong, I'm his soulmate after all..." He said to gain his confidence. He immediately stand straight when he heard the chimes of the the glass door, meaning that someone opened it.

He saw Mark. He smiled at him.

"Let's go." Mark said and walked leaving him. Donghyuck ran to be at his side.

"What do you want to say?" Mark asked him. By that question, Donghyuck felt really nervous and his heart started beating fast again.

"Oh... that..." He looked at his shoes while looking.

You can do it, Donghyuck! Donghyuck whispered.

"You know... when we were in the ferris wheel... watching the fireworks show, I-"

"I heard it, Donghyuck."

He stopped when Mark said that, making Mark stop to. He what?

"What?" He blinked three times while looking at him. "What Mark? You what?"

Mark smirked at him. "I heard what you said."

"Oh shit." Donghyuck felt his face heat up.

"Still straight?" Mark asked him. "Because I still am."

Donghyuck can't believe what's happening, Mark's still straight? He didn't feel anything?

"Look, Donghyuck. I like you... but as a person, you're nice."

Donghyuck felt like he's been stabbed. Did Mark just reject him?

"It's fine. I don't expect you to respond. At least you know that I like you." Donghyuck told him, but he's hurting.

"So... let's continue walking." Mark said and Donghyuck nodded. But before they started walking a voice came from behind,

"Mark? Is that you?" The voice said.

They both turned around. And saw a girl with light brown hair. "It is you!" The girl immediately ran towards Mark and hugged him.

He looked surprised, and Donghyuck too.

Mark escaped from the hug and looked at the girl, his eyes widened.



A/N: So yeah, HAHAHAHAH DONGHYUCK IS REJECTED. And if you don't know who Hina is, search for Nakamura Hina, she is from Sm Rookies!

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