Chapter 6

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Your Point of View:
Few minutes pass after Kistina left. I'm still in the cafe. I ordered the mini steak Kistina ate earlier to try,since it look rather delicious.
Soon enough,Felix appeared infront of me.

"What's up?" He said.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"To eat and grab some drink," he replied.
"It could be done with you," he added.

I rolled my eyes.
"By rolling your eyes it increases eighty percent of getting wrinkles," said Felix.

"Are you Kistina or what?" I asked in frustration.

I put down my fork,as I finished eating the miniature steak.

Felix and I then start eating in silence.

"So about the marriage,are you okay with it? I could ask my parents to decline your aunt offer," he said.

"It was my aunt offer?!" I asked,rather angry.

It was my aunt's offer the whole time?

Felix slowly nod his head.
"You didn't know?" He added.

"I didn't," I replied.

"My life can't go any worse," I said and facepalmed myself.

"Yeah,and that's I'm here,to be for you," Felix confidently added.

"Are you seriously flirting with me?" I asked him.

"I'm not flirting though. You're already falling in love with me," he said.

I sighed.

"That's why,makesure to tie your shoelaces when you're around me~" he added and left to go to the toilet.

"What kind of joke is that?" I mumbled.

"Wait for me,we can return back home together," he added.

I stood up from my seat. I checked if Felix have left anything here because I am leaving,but no he didn't leave anything here.

I walked off from the cafe and walked back home alone.
Who wants to wait for him?

I shuffled my feet on the way home.
It was early in the evening but it's rather dark and cloudy,it seems it will rain sooner or later.

Suddenly,a man came to me and pulled my hands. Dragging me to an alley.

"Leave me alone!" I mentally screamed.

I start kicking and punching him.
"I've got black belt in both Taekwondo and Judo,don't you dare touch me ever again!" I shouted and left the alley,leaving the pervetic man behind aching on his legs,arms,stomach.
To be honest,I kicked his vital spot too.

"Woah,girl. I was about to help you,but you did it yourself. You're kinda scary," A boy commented. I smiled at him a little.

"May I know if I know you or met you before?" I asked him.
"Because I honestly don't need your help in anything," I added.

"You sure,beautiful?" He asked.
I rolled my eyes.

"By the way I am Jackson Wang,just call me Jackson. I just came to Korea from Hong Kong. Nice to meet you actually," he introduced himself to me.

"You're rather short," I commented on his height.

He chuckled. "I know," he replied.
"You haven't introduce yourself to me," said Jackson.

"I am Y/N L/N,just call me Y/N,nice to meet you,Jackson," I said.
"Oppa," Jackson added after I said Jackson. I rolled my eyes again. Ugh! I am rolling my eyes too much. I swear my beautiful and gorgeous face could be ruin by wrinkles.

"Let's get back home," he said.
"Your saying it like you're staying with me or leaving near me," I said.

"If you might not know,I stay a bungalow away from you. When I arrived I saw you,I wanted to talk to you but I can't,I have something going on and now I am finally talking to the pretty girl," he explained.

"I know I am a pretty girl,tell me something I don't know," I confidently said and start walking.

"I did told you something you probably didn't know," he replied.

I hummed.

"About where I am staying at," he answered.


Jackson and I walked home together. Laughing,chatting happily and fooling around in the street.
It was fun being with him,he make my laugh all the time. He's like a comedian.

To be continued...

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