Chapter 16

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Your POV:
I sat on a swing that was placed in the park opposite my aunt's house.

Minutes swinging on it,I got a call from aunt.

"Weird,she never called me before." I muttered.

I picked up the phone and immediately she spoke in a panic tone.

"Come how now! Quick!" She shouted from the other line.

"Why?" I asked while whining.

"Just come! Quick!" She said.
"We're waiting for you." She added.

"Ok,ok." I replied and my aunt hanged up.

I walked briskly back home.
Not sure what is happening.

I reached home and my aunt is there sitting on the couch,while fidgeting.

"What happened?" I asked.
She stood up and replied, "Felix got into an accident."

"What?!" I asked in culture shock. "We shall go see him now in 'The Seoul Hospital' " she said and I just nod my head.

We grabbed a taxi and I was worried even though he was cheating on me.

This is all my fault. I shouldn't run away just like that. That was what I thought.


I stepped in the building,the scent of medicine and vomit could be detected even from the entrance.

I followed my aunt who is already walking briskly infront of me. Calling someone from the phone and I just followed her from behind,finding myself in a room with a guy laying down on a bed,uncautious.

I walked over to him.
"I'm sorry." I said.

"Did you have a fight with him?" My aunt asked. I slowly nodded my head.

My aunt and Mrs Lee glanced at each other.

"I was with Felix when a girl came in addressing Felix as her future husband and I ran away. I think Felix followed me and that's how he got into an accident." I said while looking down on the floor.

"Did you let him explain the situation?" Mrs Lee asked.
I shooked my head slowly.

"You should let him." Mrs Lee said.

I looked at Felix. Feeling regretful.
"That girl wasn't Felix girlfriend. She was just a childhood friend of Felix and she's crazy. She have been calling Felix her boyfriend since seven. But Felix never loved her. And that girl is back. And I'm afraid the marriage needed to be cancelled." Said Mrs Lee.

"What? Why?" I questioned looking straight in Mrs Lee's eyes.
Mrs Lee stared on the floor.

"He's in coma." She simply replied.
I couldn't say anything.
The cat has got my tongue.

My tears were threatening to fall.

I ran out of the room and went to the rooftop.

I was about to scream but someone came.

"Hey. Is there something wrong?" The person asked.
I turned around to see a boy which seems to be a few years younger than me.

I didn't answer him back instead I fell on my knees and I bawled my eyes out.

He went over to me,stroking my back and letting me in his embrace.

"Sorry. I just need to comfort you seeing you in this state." He said when he felt I'm not sobbing or crying anymore.

He's embrace is warm,making me feel relaxed.

"I am Jeon Jungkook." He introduced.
"I am (L/N) (Y/N)." I introduced.

"I am seventeen years old." He said.
"I am twenty." I replied.

"Oh.So that will make you my noona." He said.

"What brings you here?" He asked.
The thought of Felix flashed in my mind.

"I was visiting my close friend. He's in coma." I said. Fidgeting my hands.

"Oh. Sorry." He apologized.
"You?" I questioned.

"My dad is a doctor here. And I was told from my mom to visit my dad." He said looking directly in my eyes.

I could feel my heart skip a beat.
What the hell am I doing?!
I have Felix.

To be continued...

There are still around 10-17 chapters to go. If you have any questions about this book,feel free to ask.

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