Im not jealous

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(Marinette's P.O.V)
It has been a week since Adrien and kagami started dating and they seem to be really happy. After luka broke up with me I've been Mourning over the loss of our relationship and seeing Adrien and kagami and how happy they are makes everything worse but why would I care right?

(Adrien's P.O.V)
Me and kagami are on a date tonight ever since marinette started dating luka I would try anything I could to get her back but I don't think I could ever get her back. So I went for kagami. I guess we have a lot in common and we rarely fight about anything. But there was just something that was missing. "Adrien?" Kagami spoke braking me out of my thoughts. Yes kagami? " the waiter has been standing here for 3 minutes trying to ask you what you want". O-oh um sorry I'll have the salad (gotta keep that modal body B) ) "adrien are you feeling ok?" Kagami asked worriedly. Y-yes I'm fine let's just finish our food.

(Time skip because I'm a lil biscuit :p)
I walked with kagami till we got back to her house. "I'll see you tomorrow at fencing right?" Right! I said smiling at her. But even know I was smiling I didn't feel like smiling. Something was off and I wanted to figure it out. Just then I heard a small yet loud cry. I looked up to see non other than marinette on her balcony crying. I wonder what's wrong. I ran behind a wall and transformed.

(Lol sorry I had too)

(Marinette's p.o.v)
After everything that happened I just couldn't keep it In anymore. I started to cry. After a good few minutes of crying I heard a thump. I turn to see what made the noise "hello princess"

(To be continued)
Yes I'm back everyone! How y'all doing I'm ok besides the fact that I got my wisdom teeth removed I'm all good! I know I know I've been gone for awhile but hey I'm back home so I'll be making sure I write this book cuz I love y'all :3 anyway see you on the next chapter byee!

True feelings (a miraculous love story) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now