제 3 장

8 1 5

Meeting : 3

She took the aux and played a nostalgic song, Breathe.

She sang along to it, ignoring the stare he gave her.

"Stop staring Jisoo. Focus on the road"

"I was just shocked on how horrible one can sound" He retorted.

She scoffed.

It's been two months since she met Jisoo in the train. They exchanged contacts and unknowingly, they became close. And now here they were, heading towards the Han River.

She always goes there to calm the obstructed feelings inside of her. It just happens that today was another terrible day, so she called Jisoo.

He didn't know what happened.

She didn't let him know or want him to know. But he was understanding and offered to go together. He specifically remembered that she likes going to Han River when she's stressed. She told him two months ago but he remembered.

"Thank-you for being so kind" She appreciated everything Jisoo has done so far for her. She really did.

Jisoo nodded in approval but didn't say anything.

She rested her head on her palm and stared out of the window.

It was night time, there were stars present in the sky but at the same time rain clouds were approaching from the eastern direction.

She changed her line of vision towards the road. There were a few cars on the road at this time. Maybe due to the approaching storm? Or maybe due to the time? Either way, she didn't really care.

They stopped at an intersection when the traffic lights turned red. 

A sign caught her attention.


Nope, Chinese wasn't her thing.

"Hey Ji, What does that mean?" She pointed at the sign. She remembered that he learnt a bit of Chinese.

"Life. I love you" He replied effortlessly.

"You were finally useful"

"Hey!" He yelled, but she ignored it.

Looking back, she thought about her whole day. It wasn't as bad as the ones she has had but today was weird. And strange. She strangely kept thinking about him. Yes him. KTH. She desperately wanted to see him again. She at times caught herself smiling and sometimes crying, when she thought of him. She really didn't know what was happening but today, her feelings were at peak. She cried and sobbed because she felt suffocation.

Moreover, she realized after she left the café, on the day she met him, that she had lost her precious blade and necklace. It meant a lot to her. Both of the objects. She ran back to the café that day to find them. She was perhaps two hours late as when she had arrived, there was nothing to be found. No traces. She even asked the employees but even they had no clue. She just concluded that she might have either dropped it or someone would have stolen them.

Today, in particular, she missed her precious things more than usual alongside missing him.

All these feelings and heartbreaks led her to make the decision to come to Han River. She intended to travel alone but just called Jisoo in case, not expecting him to come rushing over.

The more she thought about it, the more she realized that Jisoo really is an angel sent down from heaven. It hasn't been long but he's slowly proving himself to be trustworthy, and she could only hope that he really is.

❝Scar : 28❞ || Kim Taehyung ||Where stories live. Discover now