제 4 장

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Cold wind. Frigid atmosphere. It brings me a sense of relief. I feel relieved as the cold outside, cancels out the cold inside. Walking through the cold is like taking a stroll through my heart.

You might be asking why? Why? Even I wonder why. There's no answer to my comfort, as to why I feel tranquil in the cold.

Maybe because of the weather inside of me. If cold were to signify pain, hurt and guilt then there is probably the peak of winter inside of me.

Or maybe I'm just a lunatic obsessed with winter and frostbites.
Either way, I wait for a never coming spring. I'm always waiting, but it never comes.

So I decided. If I cannot have my spring, then maybe I should try to bring spring to others. I don't want to be casted as the main cast. I'm fine with being the minor one, as long as I can reduce someone's pain. Even if it's only 100 to 99, I'm fine. Just reducing their pain would be fine.

Pain, is something that I've interacted with more than I've interacted with air. Weird right? But for me, everytime I breathe in, I breathe in pain with it. Every second of my life is filled with pain.

But I don't mind anymore.

Now you might be worth wondering, who is this poetic and heartbroken guy? Well let's say I don't have a name. Or rather, I don't go by a name. I'm just like a side character in story, no one knows their names but they know they somehow exist. Maybe to prevent the story from being boring and so that the main characters don't feel lonely.

That's me. The random guy who's sleeping in the background while there is an apocalypse.

I don't have a name, but I do go by initials.



She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and yelled "KTH?!"

It doesn't make sense to her. Maybe it's a coincidence she thought.

She repeatedly kept shaking her head hoping it to be a dream but her heart was filled with a burning desire of it to be real. Of him to be real and in reach.

She glance at my phone again and thought whether or not to ask Jisoo? He was the one to recommend this guy's story after all. 'It's really a popular talk on weibo these days. The guy knows how to captivate his readers. And people say what he writes is real. Some had encounters with him.' Is what he said. Maybe it really is him. KTH.

She closed her eyes let out a small scream and groaned.

"Noona (Older sister)? Why are you yelling?" A little head of a four year old kid popped into her room. She glanced at the door.

"It's nothing" She calmly replied. "Why are you here though?"

He fearfully looked outside the door. As if something might come out from the darkness and grab him.

Before he could even answer, a loud crash could be heard from downstairs and noises. She instantly understood what was happening.

They were fighting again. All they do is fight anyway and it didn't surprise her much but today in particular her patience wore thin. She realized how letting her siblings see these fights will damage them mentally and she couldn't allow so. She already knew the pain.

❝Scar : 28❞ || Kim Taehyung ||Where stories live. Discover now