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When something is the odd one out, it's normally obvious.

But it took Ella 17 years to figure it all out.

She never expected it to be her, out of all people she was the chosen one.

But why her?

She's not special in any way. She's just like everyone else. Or at least she tries to be like them.

Ella goes to Richmen High School and she's a senior and she's ready to graduate even though the school year just started. She's been there all years and she's ready to leave and never come back.

It's not like she ever had a good time, she was always the quiet one in the back of the class listening to her music.

Whenever she would actually try to talk to people they would act like she wasn't even there to begin with. So she gave up trying to socialize. Jessica was the main blame for that though.

Jessica was the popular girl, she's been picking on Ella through all of high school. They used to be friends. In elementary and middle school they were like sisters. But Jessica started to get popular while Ella was stuck in her shadow. Jessica ended up never talking to Ella again in high school, and when she did it was her bullying Ella.

When Ella realized what was happening she decided that it didn't matter anymore. And she wears her headphones everyday, all day blasting her music so she doesn't have to hear anything Jessica says anymore.

Ella honestly just doesn't care anymore. She just wants it all to end and she wants her Jessica back. She knows she can't do it alone though. But no one can help her. She doesn't dare to tell her mother and she doesn't have a father. She also doesn't trust her aunt and uncle with anything. And she doesn't have any friends.

But how can one shy, quiet girl take on the most popular girl at her school, even though they were friends for years?

The Odd One OutTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang