2. Annalise's POV

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Starting at a new school after the year already started gives me so much anxiety.

Luckily for me though there was this girl in my new class that looks out of place just like me.

She had shoulder length brown hair and because of her bangs one of her eyes was covered. The exposed eye was brown. But I could tell something was different. And honestly I really liked it. She seemed nice and that she needs a friend, so why not?

Ms. Voldemorta placed me right next to her.

She was staring at me. She tried to hide it but she failed. So I decided to start a conversation with her.

"Uhm... hello... my name is Annalise... I'm not sure if you heard Ms. Voldemorta say it."

After a few seconds I realized that she wasn't paying attention, she was listening to her music. It was so loud I could hear it. She was listening to Numb, by Linkin Park.

I love that song. I listen to it all the time.

I started singing along with the music quietly. Then she turned her head and took her headphones off but the music was still playing.

She just looked at me and smiled.

Then she started singing too.

We finished singing the song together then she stopped her music.

"I guess you listen to actual good music instead of what 'normal' people listen to now" I say laughing

"Yeah, I prefer this music over any kind honestly" she replied smiling wide

"Well anyway my name is Annalise. What's your name? You're cool" I said smiling back

"Yeah I heard Ms. Voldemorta say it when you came in. My name is Ella. And honestly I'm not cool at all, I'm the weird one in a group of people. I'm the loner if that's what you wanna call it"

She kinda lost her smile as she said that like it's something that bothers her daily.

"Oh wow, I'm suprised you heard that since I could hear your music from my seat" I say with a slight giggle at the end

Ella smiled, "Yeah, I also blast my music. So that way I don't have to hear the lies everyone says about me."

"I used to have that problem at my old school, hence why my family moved here to Karaville." I say with a small smile. "It's been tough but I've been managing... somehow"

"How long have you been living here? It anything I can show you around town. It helps to have someone show you around so you aren't completely clueless about everything. If you know what I mean"

As Ella says that I got this weird voice in my head saying that I should take her offer and listen to her. She seems like a good person that I can trust.

"I've only been here for a week. And sure. Sounds fun, I would like to see what's in town."

I smile like an idiot saying that.

I've finally made a friend...

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