Chapter 22

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~Ellie's POV~

Me and few other people waited for them backstage. The boys came back screaming as the show ended, all sweaty in their tuxedo that was partially undone. We all embraced each other in excitement, not really knowing who we had hugged already and who we haven't. Niall caught my eyes; his shirt was half undone and his tie hang very loose around his neck. He was too caught up joking around with Josh however to even speak to me. I felt sick to my stomach, but I knew that I have done the right thing. Now there's nothing hidden. He knows how I feel. There was nothing between us. Nothing.

Victoria and Mayra had managed to find their way back here. They squealed and shouted as they

congratulated all of us. Delenn, Amanda, and Jenna all joined us.

"Alright let's head out!" Louis shouted.

"Where are you guys going?" Mayra asked as she looked around.

"Just a club for a celebration," I answered. "And you guys are definitely coming with us. We're stopping by our hotel first though."

Delenn and Amanda headed out to the club and decided to meet us there. Jenna and Liam decided to stay in the hotel for the night.

I had intended on hooking Victoria and Mayra up with Harry and Zayn, but it seemed like no help was needed as they chatted away as we rode to the hotel. I invited the two girls over to my room as the boys got ready.

"Looks like you guys already found someone," I commented as they sat on the bed. "Excited to go clubbing with them?" I mocked.

They both laughed. "Oooh yeah," Victoria winked.

"Ew TMI," Mayra said as she made a face.

"Oh whatever," Victoria rolled her eyes," Zayn was totally checking you out."

As they talked I felt very distant from them; they had someone. They could openly talk about them; they all liked each other. But me? I lost him already. I felt so homesick for some reason. I just wanted to get away from all this. Go somewh-

"What about you Ellie?" Victoria smiled at me, breaking my train of thoughts. "Anyone other than Zayn in your life this past one year?"

"What?" My response was blunt.

"Come on, all of them are cute. You're not crushing on anyone?"

I faked a laugh. "Nah, not really." I honestly wasn't in the mood to tell them. I wasn't intending on hiding it; I had no strength to break this shell.

They knew me too well. "Oh." They both said and changed the subject as I stood up to fix my makeup and waited for the boys.

~Niall's POV~

Harry knocked on Ellie's door as the rest of us stood around the hall waiting.

"Ready?" He asked as the door opened. Ellie's two friends came out, then shut the door behind them. Where's-

"Where's Ellie?" Louis asked as they walked toward us.

"She's taking a long ass shower," Victoria answered. "She just said she'll catch up later."


"Alright then," Louis glanced at me to see my reaction, "shall we?"

As we walked down the hall and down to the car I felt uneasy. But maybe this was the right thing to do. I wasn't with Rebecca anymore; I can drink like always and be myself. The carefr-

"Niall?" Louis suddenly stopped me as we were about to get in the car. A few of us were already in the car, seated.

"Yeah what's up?" I stood at by the door.

"I think you forgot something back in the room?" he said.

Uh what?

"Nah I got ev-"

"I think you left your phone somewhere," he looked at me as if he wanted to say something. "You might wanna go back up there and check."

"Oh." It took a moment to process, but I smiled at him as I finally understood what he was trying to say: go to see Ellie. "Oh damn yeah forgot my phone," I said as the girls looked at me questioningly. "Don't wait for me I'll get Paul to drive me." I had a sudden feeling of excitement mixed with nervousness as I pushed the 'up' button of the lift.

My heart was beating fast as I walked to her room. My arm automatically flung to knock on her door. 'What was I going to say?' I didn't know, but I just wanted to-

She slowly opened the door and stood there looking directly into my eyes. Her hair was damp and she wore no makeup; it wasn't the singer Ellie who was on stage. The girl standing before me was the girl I fell in love with at Delenn's house.

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