▷ 13.

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Petunia was lying on my lap while Luke was in his kitchen, grabbing silverware for us. Once we got back to his house we decided to order food since my mom had managed to ruin getting breakfast for us. We found a nice twenty four hour restaurant so that I could order chicken tenders while Luke got himself a burger with avocado on it which, as Californian as it was, sounded disgusting to me. He walked back into his living room with drinks and silverware, placing them on the coffee table.

As he sat down on the couch, he pet Petunia's head. "I think she really likes you," he stated. "She doesn't just take a nap on anyone." I highly doubted that, Petunia seemed to be such a kind dog that she would probably lick a robber to death. She certainly wasn't a good guard dog but she was such a sweet girl regardless. I truly understood why all of Luke's fans loved her so much.

"I think she just likes my food," I said sneaking her a bite of one my french fries. "I'm sorry again for my mom. I know we should've had pancakes and french toast instead of this today." This must've been the twenty second time I've apologized for my mom since this morning. I just wished she could've been kind to Luke, or even cordial. Instead she had to act like a wicked witch.

Luke shook his head as he scrolled through Netflix on his television trying to find a movie for us to watch. "Stop apologizing, it's not your fault. Besides, I've dealt with way worse people in my lifetime. She could be a paparazzi," he shrugged, "those guys are pure evil." He stated matter of factly. I couldn't disagree. Not that I had personal experience with paparazzi but I had dealt with plenty of clients who had, and everyone had extreme horror stories.

"I mean but in a way, it is my fault. To this day my mom and dad are still really mad I broke up with my high school boyfriend." Everyone in my family knew that for a fact. Lina was the only one who was understanding when River and I broke up. My mom was more upset about the break up than I was.

Luke cocked an eyebrow, "Why?" He questioned. "I mean people break up. It's a fact of life and if it wasn't their relationship why do they care so much?" Part of me felt like he was speaking from experience of having other people's opinions in your own relationships. Being famous must make it really hard to have relationships. That was definitely one of the factors that made me wary to actually start a real relationship with him. This weird 'we're talking all of the time and we're definitely somewhat romantically involved' place we were at felt so nice. It was low stress but high reward.

"Well River, my high school boyfriend, dated from a month into freshman year to two months before we graduated. River was incredibly smart, smarter than me smart, and he wanted to go to NYU to get a business degree. I wanted to stay in California which is why I didn't go to Penn or Princeton, and my mom lied: I didn't get accepted into Yale. Being completely honest, I got waitlisted at Princeton and I truly think the only reason I got accepted to Penn is because my dad went there." Luke nodded, and I had to take a breath for a second. I always talked too fast when I told this story.

"Anyways, we mutually decided to not continue our relationship unless he was staying in California. But the thing is, our parents got so close. Our parents basically had us being engaged to be engaged. That was cute as sophomores in high school but when we got older, we didn't want the same things at all. I think my mom nearly had a heart attack when I told her we broke up; she cried for a month and I cried for two days. He went to New York for a year and ended up coming back because the New York life wasn't for him. He does online college now and actually the day you first asked me out, he told me he missed in a non platonic way." I shrugged. I watched something flash in Luke's eyes and I couldn't make out what it was. Maybe I should've left out the last part.

"I couldn't date him ever again though. We tried to date again for like two months after we broke up during summer and there was a lot of stuff that went down during that time period. I thought for a really long time I wanted to date him again but now it's like every time I see him, I'm just so angry." Luke nodded and played with the food on his plate.

Luke placed his hand on top of mine. "You're a good person, Brielle. I'm really glad to have in you in my life." He said. It made my heart pang because I felt the exact same way about him. In another world, we would've been the ones dating since freshman year of high school. In another world, I could date Luke without fear of any repercussions whatsoever.

Both of us leaned in towards each other. Luke placed his hand on my knee and our lips connected. They actually touched, after far too long of trying to have our first kiss. I moved my hand to the back of his neck and we stayed like that for a few more seconds before pulling away from each other. "Hey, we didn't get interrupted by Mikey or your mom."

I nodded, the corners of my lips were in a full smile. "Yeah, we didn't. Maybe we just needed to be alone," I said before getting interrupted by Petunia barking. "Well, mostly alone." I scratched the top of her head while Luke pulled out his phone. He took a picture of me and Petunia with a grin on his face.

"My two favorite girls." He said before he leaned towards me and kissed my cheek. 


uhhhh that last line made me scream cry because its really cute and i want a cute boyfriend with blonde curly hair who has a cute dog and calls me his favorite girl but ITS FINE ILL BE LONELY !!!! this chapter is like significantly shorter than the last 2 but you know we gon write as much as we have inspiration for because if we dont then we get bad chapters and no one wants that !!!


what's your fav 5sos fic? 

i really wanna read more things and id love to know what you guys think is good !! i think my fav is always gonna be project daddy because it has a lot of memories w one of my old friends tied in w it (if you haven't read it, you need to its so good)

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