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After Minho left, Eunsang decided to take a nap, as it had been a long day for her. She walked up the stairs and into her room. Once she went inside, she felt the creepy aura near her again, which made her stomach queasy. Her hands started to sweat with fear. She brushed it off and kept on telling herself that she's being delusional and crazy.

'Ghosts don't even exist, right?' She thought. 'Yeah, I'm just being weird.'

She changed into her home outfits and went to her bed. She pulled up he covers and snuggled in feeling her worries drifting away.


A few hours late Eunsang woke up with a jerk. She had a nightmare. It was about a ghost haunting her house, but she ignored the warning, decided to get up and make herself dinner.

She slipped into her warm and comfy slippers and walked down the stairs into the kitchen. She had already pre-bought her food so she didn't have to worry about not having food. Eunsang didn't want to cook too much as she felt a bit drowsy and sleepy. She decided to cook ramen as it's not that hard to eat.

She started dicing the onions, parsley, and tomatoes. She mixed it in with the noodles and added a few spices to give it flavor.

Ten minutes later, she finished cooking the ramen and put it on the table. She went back to the cabinets and got herself a cup to fill water with. She went to her filter and filled the water.

She walked back to her table and was puzzled.

Half of her noodles were gone.

"What the heck? I swear I didn't eat any ramen. So, who took mine?" She muttered.

'What if it's the ghost my dream was warning me about?' She thought.

The lass tried to think of a lame excuse but couldn't deny the fact that she was the only one in the house.

For a mere second, she swore she heard someone giggling.

The female sighed and proceeded to eat her half-eaten noodles.

"At least whoever it was, it didn't eat all of it. I'm hungry as hell." She said out loud.


A few days ago Han Jisung woke up to find himself in a hospital. Feeling a throbbing pain in his head, he was confused. He asked himself why he was in a hospital. Suddenly a nurse walked into the room with a lady (Jisung's mom) who had a sad look on her face and red eyes which made it clear that she cried for an hour or two.

"Excuse me?" Jisung said to the nurse.

However the nurse didn't reply, he didn't even look at Jisung.

'How rude.' He thought.

"Hello, nurse? Can you tell why I'm here?" The male asked.

Still, the nurse didn't answer or even look a second in his direction.

He got up from his bed, feeling his legs hurt so much. He walked over to the nurse unstably.

"Hey! I'm talking to you woman!" He said, harshly grabbing the nurse's hand.

However, his hand went right through the woman's arm making him fall to the ground.

"Ouch!" He yelped and whimpered.

He got up and went his own way since no one seemed to acknowledge him. He walked and walked, and his feet found their way to a big apartment.

He saw two moving guys opening the door so he quickly and sneakily slipped himself in without getting noticed.

He saw a petite girl strolling around the apartment and his brain immediately flashed unclear memories.

He knelt down in pain and put his hands to his head.

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