Chapter One; My Birthday!

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September 2nd, Tuesday, 2021. My birthday! Not quite as glamorous as it sounds, after all, because it's just another day to be targeted by the mean girls of Middle Borough High. It ceases to amaze me that Jenna, Chloe, and Brooke always seemed to know where I am. It actually creeps me out. And here I am, sitting in my first period American History class with Mrs. Holdheide. Glancing to my left, I spot my best friend, Christine Canigula. In front of me is my guy best friend, Jeremy Heere, who is dating Christine, by some ungodly reason. He's pretty tall, like, maybe six foot three or something?

In front of Jeremy is Richard Goranski, five feet and five inches of pure teenage bully. To his left, Jake Dillinger. Behind me sits my guy crush, Michael Mell. I fear to admit that he's a geek, just like Jeremy and I, but he's also really cool. Like, messy hair and headphones don't care. He's half Filipino and half Ecuadorian which means he has a tanner complexion which suits him really well, and when he smiles it's really cute because his teeth are sometimes a different color, depending on if he's already had a slushy or not.

Anyways...across the room is Jenna Roland, Chloe Valentine, and Brooke Lohst, more or less the Heathers of the school. They're never bothered except sometimes by Rich and Jake, but they just giggle it off. I actually think that Chloe is dating Rich, or maybe she was dating Jake, but she is definitely dating one of them.

I'm only half paying attention, and every now and then I cast a glance behind me to Michael, who doesn't even notice because he's so concentrated on his music. I smile, thinking he's listening to Bob Marley again. It wouldn't surprise me, that's his favorite music artist.

What does surprise me, though, is the fact that Michael sighs and turned his headphones off, sliding them around his neck. Quickly, I snap my head back around and stare down at my textbook, praying that he didn't see me. I'd be ruined if he saw me staring.

"Lily, why don't you read the next paragraph for us," Mrs. Holdheide looks over at me, blinking.

I refuse to look up at her, hands shaking underneath my desk. She's always been awfully kind to me, she's sort of like my school mom...Is that weird to say? It probably is.

She walks over to my desk which is next to the wall. I can just hear Jenna, Chloe, and Brooke snickering and whispering amongst themselves. "Are you alright?" She asks me, kneeling down next to my desk with a genuinely concerned expression filling the features of her face.

I slowly shake my head. "May...may I use the restroom?" I stammer out. She nods, standing up straight and letting me get up. I duck my head down once more and quickly leave the room. The restroom is just down the hall, but that doesn't stop it from feeling a hundred miles away. I stand in front of the bathroom mirror, hands firmly grasping the sink. Why was this happening now? I rarely ever got so worked up over something like this, so why was it bothering me now?

I stay there for the remainder of the period which was only about 10 minutes. As I slowly make my way back to her classroom, I was glad she didn't have a second period class, she greeted me at the door, holding my books. "What's wrong?" She asked me. "Do you need to call home?"

"No, I just...I don't know what it was, but I'm fine now," I manage a weak smile. "Can you sign me a pass to second?" I asked, then added, "Mr. Trisel hates when we're late to his class,"

Mrs. Holdeheide nodded, walking over to her desk. I followed, clutching my books in my arms. She quickly wrote up a pass, handing it to me. "There you go, Lily," She told me, giving me a gentle smile, as if she feared I'd break.

"Thank you," With that, I quickly headed out of the room and towards the choir room. As I neared, I left my books outside the classroom and headed inside. I slipped inside without being seen, and I took a seat on the risers. On the top row, since I was the tallest, is where I always sat.

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