Chapter Five; I Told You You Were Wrong

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To put it simply, I am a huge loser. I can't talk to Michael, not ever again, it seemed. Perhaps a further explanation is needed? Well, as we were leaving, I did try to tell him. I actually got it out, too! He didn't say anything about it, though, and he just let me out at my place.

God, he probably hates me now. It wouldn't surprise me if Michael hated me. I thought there was something there, though. Obviously not, I guess.

You should have left me on. I could have helped within the assistance of wording it better.

Screw off, alright? I don't want your help. You said the timing was right, and God, it wasn't, now was it? He clearly doesn't want anything to do with me, so just leave me alone about it.


No, no buts about it! Just stop.

It was silent. Even after a day, I was still upset about it. This wasn't just a small, oh-he's-cute kind of crush. Don't get me wrong, he was really cute, yes. But, I really liked him for him. I had for awhile. When Monday morning crawled around, I didn't have the motivation to get out of bed. Not until, at least, my mom came in and told me to get around for school, otherwise I'd be grounded.

She was clearly in a rush, otherwise I know she would have asked me what was wrong. I doubted that she even noticed something was wrong with me. I dragged myself out of bed, reverting back to my old dressing ways.

All that work for nothing.

I will shut you down.

I picked out my Markiplier hoodie that I got from a friend in 5th grade (it had been way too big then, but now it was only slightly too big). I always wore this hoodie. Under it, a blue tie-dye Panic! At Disco shirt and the jean leggings because they were super comfortable. I decided to wear my boots. I liked those boots.

With that, I did my hair in its normal ponytail and headed for the bus stop. Nobody there said anything until I saw Christine bounding towards me, in an extra cheerful manner. "What's got you so happy?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

Christine clapped her hands together once, beaming. "You'll see!" She said, in a sing-songy voice.

"Chrissy, that scares me," I slid my hands into my pockets, shivering slightly as a cold wind chilled my body.

Christine only hummed, bouncing slightly in place while we waited for the bus. Camden, another senior, looked at her and rolled his eyes.

She didn't notice, thankfully. "Oh, guess what?" She said as the bus started to pull up. Before I could even ask what, she continued, "Jeremy and I are going on a date tonight," She smiled softly.

"That's good to hear," I replied, even though dates were the last thing I wanted to hear about at the moment. She didn't notice, though, because she continued further with, "And I'm setting you up on a blind date, so it's a double date, and that way it won't be too a-"

"What? Chrissy, I'm not going on a blind date, you know I don't do things like that," I protested, looking at her. "I'm- I just told Micha Saturday night, but he just went all silent on me, and we haven't talked since, so I'm really not ready for a date yet," I admitted, rubbing the back of my neck and sighing.

"You told him? Why am I just now hearing about it?" Christine asked me, frowning.

"Because I didn't want to talk about it," The bus began to drive, and I just stared out the window.

Christine tried to talk to me, but after a few moments, I couldn't even hear her anymore.

It's called 'Optic Nerve Blocking'.

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