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🌻 Pablom: lead female protagonist


Secret seven

🔸It: childhood friend, hates Pablom & bitter-mouthed

🔸Alan: model, university's drum major & first class student

🔸Pok: muscular & a great sportperson

🔸Play: singer, guitarist & a Playboy

🔸Gent: rich but is generous, sensible & caring

🔸Liftoil: pablom's distant relative, crybaby & loves to joke around.

🔸Neo: youngest member of the club & net idol.



Spoil: Pablom's friend, friendly & funny

Grace: Padlom's childhood friend & afraid of boys catcall.

Ema: a girl with ghostly feature



Hey guys!
The character's name are based on Thailand names, since all the character's are of  Thailand.
Do read further and enjoy ❤

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