Section Seven: Repair

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After the undercover agents had won the battle against Dead End, they took Lilli, Tom, and Leonardo's gang - Louis left, his work done - to another warehouse where all of the children were kept. And they sent them free. Tom and Lilli rode to the police station with Maddie in the same car as them. She was highly traumatized, and her parents were called as soon as she was found. They were on their way to Portugal from England immediately.

The police wanted a full statement from Tom, and he said that he would come in tomorrow morning to do so, but he needed to get Lilli back to their apartment. The two of them slept and ate their way through the rest of the day. And two hours before the show started, Tom and Lilli gave away their original tickets to some girls, and the other front row tickets too. No money exchanged hands.

Harry was a beacon of energy up on that stage, and Tom sang at the top of his lungs, watched Harry slip on water, and he took so many pictures that he ran out of storage on his phone. Afterwards, they went backstage to meet Harry.

"This is Lilli? It all went well?" Tom nodded, and Harry held Lilli while she sobbed. They hugged for a long time. Harry signed Lilli's phone case, and asked for her Instagram, and was extremely polite.

"I can't thank you enough." Tom said, wiping away his tears with the sleeve of his jacket.

"That's a cool jacket." Harry said to Tom, and the biggest grin lit up Tom's face. Harry Styles had approved of what so many had disapproved of - even in it's heavily cheetoed state.

When they left the concert, Tom and Lilli, uncle and niece, went down to the water outside their holiday apartment. Tom would go back to the police station in the morning, and then they had one more day in Portugal before they flew back to England.

The sun had long past set, and Tom no longer desired lemonade as much as he once had. The two of them stared up at the stars, knowing that once the world found out about what had happened here, in Praia de Luz, nothing would be the same.

But did they have to find out? Tom knew what had happened. Lilli knew. Harry Styles knew. So did Louis Tomlinson. And most visitors who passed through that trap house. That was enough for Tom. The whole world didn't need to know.

And neither did Lilli's mom. "Don't tell your mother." Tom whispered to Lilli.

"Done and done." She smiled, and after a long bout of silence, she spoke again. "Maybe I should buy a jean jacket."

"Mate, let's go right now." Tom said, pretending to scramble onto his feet. The two of them laughed.

And thus, Tom Harlock and Lilli-Mae Lacy uncovered what truly happened to Madeleine McCann, attended a Harry Styles concert, and even helped to uncover a sex trafficking ring. Tom wondered if anything could ever compare to such an adventure.

Lots of things probably could, actually, but in that moment, nothing could.

They were invincible. 

A/N: Thanks for reading this. Comment if you liked it, or even if you didn't. Hit me up with that constructive criticism, you know? But, thank you so much!


What Happened In Praia de Luz? // tom harlock ✅Where stories live. Discover now