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So you've decided to join the Screenwriting Contest. Your mind is racing with ideas on a story you want to tell. This could be your big break! You can't #!%$ this up!

Yet you open the blank page, rev your typing fingers, and —


Blank. Page. Staring. Contest.

How do you start a script?

It's not like writing a book — as you know by reading these chapters — so how to do it?


Start late.

Starting late means you cut to the chase with as little background information possible. No backstory dumping!! It's not fun to read. It's not fun to watch.

Scenario: I'm writing a short script (maybe 10 minutes long) about an awkward car salesman who makes a sandwich that comes to life and helps him get a date with his hot coworker.

What should the first scene be?

I'll give you a hint. It's not brushing his teeth, or watering his plants. That's too much unnecessary action no one wants to watch.

I do want to see that talking sandwich though, don't you?!

Or what about his hot coworker? We should probably set up their relationship soon, so the audience knows our character's goal (to go on a date).

🎞🌟Assignment 1: Comment how you think the film should start.🌟🎞


Hook your audience like a fish. 🎣

In a script, there are many ways to do this because a film communicates with the audience in three big ways.

Visuals. Sounds. Dialogue.

Visuals are on screen. It could be beautiful scenery. Or perhaps a close up on a cigarette as it slowly burns. Maybe a character is hiding a knife behind their back?
If you choose a visual as your hook, make it striking and engrossing to engage the audience right away!

Sounds are heard by the audience. This could be a sound that is "on-screen"/ a part of the first scene. Some examples are: GUNSHOTS, SCREAMING, WHISPERING, JUKEBOX MUSIC, HEAVY BREATHING, RUSHING WATER.
Make sure to put your sounds in ALL CAPS when writing them!

Dialogue. I put this separate from sounds, as dialogue is truly its own section. A good first line of dialogue can absolutely draw an audience in. A bad first line? Oooh, don't get me started.

Novice screenwriters will write a script with nothing but dialogue (please don't do this). They won't even start with a scene description or a header! Just jump into talk-talk-talk. I've read a few, but it is painful. There's actually some on Wattpad if you search 'script.'

🌟Assignment 2: using the story example about the talking sandwich above, write me a hook for the first scene. It should be SHORT! No paragraphs of description/dialogue!🌟

Thanks for reading! This is a challenging part of writing your first script. Don't judge yourself too hard and JUST WRITE. You're better than you give yourself credit for. I promise.

Any questions? Ask here!

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