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today my sister turned 3

i made cake but i didnt eat any

i hate cake

its not weird i swear! its just too sweet and a lot of frosting

pie is more my thing and i make homemade cheesecake instead. i dont like sweet stuff

if i do have cake its always the smallest, thinest peice and ill only eat a quarter of it

my appetite is also so much smaller than it used to be

i didnt each much before but now i barely eat. ive lost 10 pounds in two days. or close to that.

i eat once a day and its always a small portion

for dinner yesterday, i had nothing to eat besides a small bowl of salad and some watered down orange juice

im always tired, cold, and my bones hurt. my parents said if it goes on longer, theyre gonna take me to the hospital. i also have to go to a specialist cause there is something wtong with my stomach and my parents are worried

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