🔕another dream🔕

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i had another dream. it was like the last but i feel like it got better.

it was the first day of school. it was lunch and we (friends and i) were looking for a table.
the person from the last dream came up to me and they just wrapped their arms around me and i just leaned into their embrace. and it went like that the whole lunch. then i woke up

the thing is... i haven't thought about them for a while and as soon as i finish the first episode of 13 Reasons Why season 2 it starts again. idk what went through my mind but when i fell asleep my dream wasnt good..

i was at my grandpa's funeral and i was up front. my grandpa made it his last wish that i sang a song at his funeral. idk why but i sang "ghost of you" and the whole time i just tried not to cry. it was my first time singing infront of my family. and then when i finished i woke up and started crying.

how is it that you can have a good dream and wake up but when you're having the worst dream ever you cant wake up? now im crying again since i had to think of that dream again. why do i do this to myself?

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