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Hi I'm back :) 

I know I should change the status of this compilation but I don't know when I'll update so I just use 'complete' as it is.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!


Okay... Breath... Clear your mind and think ahead. Don't let pressure eat you Jin.

Jin closed his eyes to concentrate his mind. They are in the middle of the game and their opponent is one score ahead of them. He can't be weak now that his teammates needed him. He knows that he's not alone when his teammates are there, they just need a good strategy. They can't expect for their opponent to be weak since it was semi after all.

He suddenly felt a cold can being pushed on his neck, Jin opened his eyes and looked up, it was their manager, Park Sooyoung. Jin thought then and there that they should win the game.

No matter what.

Sooyoung knew that it was silly but being there to help the team made her happy. The game was tight but she believe in them-- in him. Yes, she likes him but she's not that desperate to let him know her feelings. first of all, she's not ugly but not pretty enough to be asked out by a guy, she's approachable when it comes to school works since she's a smart student, one of the reason why no one asks her out-- it's ridiculous but her friends say that no girl should be smarter than her boyfriend. Then Sooyoung wished she was a bit dumber- although she's already dumb for liking a guy who won't ever look at her way.

Jin looked at her before he accepted the can and looked ahead saying a little 'thanks'. See? the way he acted only mean that he's not interested at her.

Sooyoung smiled at him. "Relax Jin, your shoulders are stiff. You won't be able to play well in that state." After she said that, she went to his other team members to tend to them.

In the end, their team won though it was not surprising in her part. She knew that the team won't let that happen. They were able to get ahead of the opponent with their teamwork, especially Jungkook who keep on getting three points.


A week before the finals, they went back being students but they practice after school and free time.

It was lunch and Sooyoung was making a list of things they need for the tournament when Seulgi called her. Sooyoung looked up and saw Jin at the entrance, leaning on the side of the door.

Sooyoung wondered what he's doing there but at the same time, she can't seem to control the beating of her heart. She tucked her hair behind her ear and left her desk taking her time to go to him to stop any emotion coming through her face, she didn't want him to think that she's some kind of a girl who's taking a chance of their relationship as a manager to player.

She stopped a little bit too far from him and Sooyoung thought she saw a glint of hurt in his eyes but it vanished immediately.

"Is it about the list? I'm almost finished already, I'll just give it to coach later." She said.

"No, it's not about that... Actually.. I have a favor."

favor? what a surprise, Jin rarely ask her for a favor. It made her giddy inside.

She beamed a smile. "Of course, what is it?"

"The finals... can you not go?"

With that, Sooyoung's smile faded in an instant. She could only look at him with disbelief. She can't get a gist of why he didn't want her to be there. She knew that he didn't like her but isn't this going to far?

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