His Butler: Moonlit Night

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The loud cry of a crow cut through the night like a hot knife, the moon shining down on the shawl covered woman who ran towards the large mansion, the mud-caked hem of her dress trailing behind her as she rushed through the cold. The woman knocked, lightly at first, her pale hand barely touching the wood of the door before it opened.

Red eyes stared down at her from a handsome raven-haired man holding a candle. He looked the woman over, a smirk threatening to play on his lips. "It's quite late tonight. Much too late for a lady to be wandering around," He said, "I am Sebastian Michaelis, butler to the Phantomhive family. Can I help you?"

The woman removed her shawl. Long black curled hair fell from underneath the shawl and danced across her face. Her piercing green eyes were narrowed as the two small horns protruding from her forehead gave away her true nature. " I was tasked with delivering a message to you. Your presence is greatly desired at the next Sabbath in two days time."

A feign look of sadness crossed Sebastian's face for a moment as he gave her a light wave of the hand. "Forgive me, but I can't accept the invitation, I still have a master to look after. Please send my regards."

The demon woman frowned, "The demon kings will all be attending, including our Lord Satan. You can't afford to skip attendance!"

"Under normal circumstances, I would gladly attend. Alas, I can't leave my master."

The demon woman narrowed her eyes, the blatant lie being told earning a sharp hiss as she replied, "If you care about that master of yours, I suggest you come to the Sabbath. Our Lord Satan is known to be cruel to those who disobey him, after all, it was he who asks for you. You should be honored."

It was quiet as he seemed to listen to her words, his lips threatening to part into a deep sigh. Instead he smiled lightly and replied curtly, "I see. Very well, I shall make arrangements."

The demon woman searched his face for a moment, her eyes trying to find any trace of dishonesty. "The Lord will be very pleased to hear of your acceptance. I'll see you there."

The woman readjusted her shawl and turned to depart from the steps of the mansion, her feet splashing into muddy water.

"Send your master my regards, miss Demonica. " Sebastian called out, smiling at the sharp glare she cast his way over her shoulder. He waited until she disappeared into the night before shutting the front door and finally releasing an annoyed sigh. "What a troublesome turn of events," He muttered.

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