Little Love (Part Two)

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Lagertha and Bjorn looked up from the conversation they were partaking in with the Earls and Ragnar. A small group of Lagertha's Shieldmaidens gathered and looked worried. A booming voice carried and the crowd split and revealed you backing away from your furious parents who shouted and bellowed.

The women gathered around you looked unsure if they should intervene or look for someone else to help you. Lagertha marched towards the disturbance but froze as your mother tossed an axe at you and you had to keep back to stop it hitting your feet. "You think we want you to be part of this family now?! You refuse to fight! What good are you?" Your father seethed.

Your brother's watched from their seat around your family's fire while your parents backward you away from them. You bumped into something and looked up to see Bjorn behind you glaring at your father.

"It is not necessary for (Y/N) to fight, there is plenty for a hard working woman to do here." Ragnar said as he strolled over incase Bjorn attacked your father and started a fight that would distract from the battle to be had.

"This does not involve any of you." He hissed back to Ragnar who raised his eyebrows. When he went to step close Ragnar drew his weapon, Lagertha and the shieldmaidens pre aired too while Bjorn's hand gently found yours.

"I think you will find it does. We will protect her, so you should leave now." Floki hummed from the back of the crowd, suddenly a presence that made your parents nervous. They rushed away and everyone began to calm.

As you realised you'd been shunned from your family you turned, leaning into Bjorn who wrapped you in his arms and stroked your hair as you sobbed against his shoulder.


"What are you doing Bjorn?" Ragnar sighed when he sat on the porch of the main hall and found his eldest son glaring at your brothers who were lurking at the nearest market stall.

"I am not doing anything." Bjorn snapped and Ragnar raised his eyebrows as he started to doze off.

"You look like you are thinking about starting a fight. Should you not go to check on (Y/N)?" Ragnar asked, opening his eyes for a moment to look at Bjorn who huffed loudly and sent a puff of air around him in the cold weather.

"I shouted at the Thrall. I am not allowed in until (Y/N) is rested. Mother says that Paris has strengthened (Y/N), she is sick but seems to be recovering quickly." He muttered and glanced at Ragnar who hummed in acknowledgement of Bjorn's words. He decided to hope the Gods had given you some strength enough to also recover from illnesses you have yet to have, also fearing that the Gods have been trying to steal you away and each time you recovered they grew more determined to get you back. For a moment he wondered that Bjorn might well think the same thing and his scowl was not aimed at your brothers as such, but rather. The Gods themselves.

"King Ragnar, Lagertha has asked for Bjorn." A thrall said as she tentatively approached Ragnar who opened one eye and smile at her.

"Take him." Ragnar joked and gestured to Bjorn who stood and followed her into the main hall. There was an awkward air as Aslaug lent a strained hospitality although it seemed that Lagertha was the reason she was determined to be overly kind to you.

"Mother. How is (Y/N)?" Bjorn asked after a polite nod to Aslaug and the boys around her. He strolled to the fire where you were sat, pail and clearly hungry but you looked much better than you had when you'd arrive back in Kattegat after the fight in Paris.

"She is resting but should be well enough to travel with you later today. I need to leave now and get back home. There is a small town halfway, I will tell them to prepare a place for the two of you to rest and you should return by morning. She will not be able to cope with ridding all day." She smiled when Bjorn crouched beside you and gently touched your hand to wake you.

He took a moment to check how you felt, trying to gauge when in the day you should leave, discussing it with Lagertha who was more than eager to get going.


"We are stopping here." Bjorn said as he slowed the horse while approaching a cabin that had been prepared for them in Lagertha's wake.

He helped you down from the horse before climbing off himself and led you inside. While he went back out to hitch up the horse you lit a fire and pulled your cloak around you.

It had been so long since your family had talked to you, even acknowledge you and now you were travelling to Lagertha's Earldom, planning to settle there. You never thought you'd live anywhere besides Kattegat.

When you were young you'd thought you would marry Bjorn and stand on the docks of Kattegat waiting for him to return from raids. The way Lagertha had done for Ragnar long ago.

"How are you feeling?" Bjorn asked as he accepted bowls of food from the women whose family owned the cabin and paid her for it.

"Fine." You answered as you took one of the bowls and tucked in. "How long will we stay?" you asked, having spent most of the journey clutching to Bjorn while dozing against his back as he spoke to you.

"We should arrive tomorrow morning. Mother plans to have a room in the main hall prepared for you." He said as you moved closer to the fire.

You slept beside Bjorn his hands heavy on your side as if he was worried about you so much he needed a hold on you. When you turned his hand skimmed over your waist to your back and you had the opportunity to inspect him while he slept.

He looked peaceful when he slept, usually a fearce pressence, now looking docile and soft in contrast. As your eyes wandered over him your fingers began to dance over his tattoos so softly that he woke with a quiet moan. "(Y/N)?" He grumbled and smiled when he saw you alert and bright eyed. "You look much better, mother will be pleased."

"You worry about me to much." You mutter with a yawn as you sit up a little, letting the furs fall around you, you shiver a little a the cold air bites at you and Bjorn moves closer.

"If I did not worry about you, what would I do with my time between raids?" He asked and smiled when you blushed a little, ducking your head to hide the smile.

There was a long pause between the two of you and Bjorn began to doze off again while stroking your back.

His eyes began to fall shut until you slowly pulled your dress over your head. He swallowed and looked your over so intently that you could feel his stare before you'd turned around to meet it.

You both moved so you could kiss him, rolling as you straddled him and whimpered into the kiss. His hands slowly found your hips above the furs, easing you down onto him as you you broke the kiss and gasped.

Bjorn Ironside Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें