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I always thought that the first time with a gun pointed at me would be more... thrilling. You know, life flashing before my eyes, sweat dripping from my forehead, heart beating fast, hands shaking and panic! Is that too much to ask?! Instead, it was all...

"Boring," I said rather loudly to the guy holding the gun, he was the one sweating and shaking and with a heart beating like mad, I could practically hear it from across the room. ", that's what this is. If I wanted to see you losing your marbles I could have gone to Friday's combat class." I ranted. I am not really the girl to rant or bully, but I was tied to a chair so a punch was out of the question and my sympathy and empathy were all gone by now, so I did what I could: I annoyed the living hell out of him. "And if you wanted me to see you losing it this bad, you just had to ask me to go to Friday's class, honestly!"

"Shut up!" He spat at me, way too literally if you know what I mean... I'd live without that shower of saliva. I sighed and realised that if boys hadn't joined the school this wouldn't be happening. This was all to blame on whoever decided that joining the schools was a good idea. I was the first person to say that boys were not a good addition and I stand by it. Okay... maybe I didn't really say or even think that. But, right now I really did wish they had never joined the schools, and yet I looked a little to the right of Mr Freaking Out and the counter-argument was standing right there, being unnoticed by anyone but me and smiling, for crying out loud! He was actually smiling at me! Maybe the guys joining wasn't such a bad idea.

Anyway, you should probably hear this story from the beginning.

A/N: Hey!! I hope you like this little snippet! 

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