Part 3

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  "So today you will have one on one combat, one from each school."  He explains and from the corner of my eye, I can see Becky smiling reassuringly to Olivia who doesn't look too thrilled. "You will not be trying any specific type of combat, just the first one to go down and stay loses, you know the drill hand on the floor three times to give up. And obviously don't play it too rough I don't want anything broken and I don't want anyone hitting when the other one is down already, no unnecessary hurting. We clear? Great, let me just check who is going against who." He smiles at us before looking at his notebook trying to find something as he is doing that Mrs Barkins whispers something in his ear. "Oh, of course, almost forgot! You have to warm up! Go on, I think you are old enough to warm up by yourselves."

"If you want to girls can go on the right side of the ring and boys on the left, in case you want to discuss something." Mrs Barkins added and we walked to our respective sides of the ring. Us girls stood in a circle and started warming up immediately, they looked at me expectantly and I looked back questioningly.

"Come on, say something. You know, tips and tricks, inspiring speech, the whole drill." Jamie urged and I chuckled.

"Alright, they are stronger and bigger than us, and we don't know if their technique is good. Hopefully, they'll be slower and sloppier than us. Still, there is no use in underestimating them, people have been doing that to us for a while and see how it turned out for them. So, be prepared to fight hard and hope they underrate us. Try to understand what their weak spots are and remember where you should hit to maximize the damage. And, of course, there is no shame in losing as long as you do your best, if we go down we go down with our heads raised, metaphorically obviously, our pride intact and knowing a bit more, at least, on how to fight them." I said while warming up, it was kind of weird talking moving around so much and in such weird positions, right now I was bending down and looking at them while I spoke through the space between my legs, they probably could see my arse better than my face. "And, Olivia, don't be scared. You are better than you think, just focus on trying to hit him as many times and remember that if they step over the line we will not just stop them but make sure they understand they can't do it ever again." I said stopping the warm up to look at her. She didn't say anything, but she nodded and I knew she was trying to gather her courage. A few minutes into it and after we were all properly warmed up the teachers called us again.

"So here is how it's going to go, we will call people to come up to the ring and fight and we will say who is coming up next. You can all be on the side benches or you can be standing, I don't care as long as the ones coming up next are warming up and you are all watching the combats, are we clear?" Mrs Barkins asked and we all nodded. "Good, let's go then. First off I want to see Jenna versus Ryan and afterwards, I want Peter and Emma." She called and Jenna didn't even look back at us, she simply walked up to it. I was glad Jenna was going first, she would put up a good fight, hopefully, that will motivate the rest of us. On the other hand, if she lost it would demotivate us a lot too. At first, Ryan and Jenna were simply looking and circling each other, neither making the first move. I used this time to talk to Emma who was up next.

"Ok, Emma, look at me," I asked and she did. "You're not the best of our class, but you're not bad. Just try your best and remember what we trained back in my place. Use whatever advantage you have, put your weight into the punch and don't get distracted! You can do it." I said and smiled, she simply looked amused and much less concerned than me, I was ridiculously anxious about the possibility of her getting hurt. Thank goodness she preferred desk jobs to the field.

"Don't get me wrong, I will do my best. But I know that I probably can't beat him. But like you said, there is nothing shameful about losing as long as I try my best." She chuckled. "Plus, I will probably have a laugh about something silly that I do." She added and I chuckled too. "Crap, they're moving." She said and my attention immediately went to Ryan and Jenna. She was the one moving first, a bold move but smart one because he didn't seem to be expecting it so he wasn't able to stop the punch to the stomach, when she was going for the second one he reacted and grabbed her hand starting to twist her arm to immobilise her, however, she manages to elbow him in his elbow with her arm making him drop her hand. She kicks him once more in the stomach, to his merit he is quick to recover from the pain and is standing quickly, he tries to kick her but she is faster and grabs his leg, she quickly pulls it and twists a bit so he falls stomach down after that I knew he had lost. She swiftly grabbed his arm twisting it so that he couldn't move his torso without breaking it and sits on his legs.

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