xv. exploit

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"He's lying."

"He's straight but has to protect him to fulfill his job."

"He's secretly just gay but scared to say it."

"He's in love with him."

These were just a few of the rumors Phil heard around Southern Manchester Academy. It all stemmed from a core and had now spiraled out of control.

Joe ignited the flame. He told someone Phil was bisexual. Then they told someone. And they told someone else. As people spread the rumor throughout the school, they altered it. It became a game of telephone in which every person had a different account of what they knew.

One of the few people who hadn't heard yet was Dan. Or so Phil hoped.

The thing is that Phil was perfectly fine with Dan knowing he was bisexual. Hell, he wasn't too bothered if the whole school knew, too. But a problem arose when people told lies. Phil didn't want Dan to hear those lies, especially the most toxic of them considered Dan was also bi. Dan didn't need to believe in that negativity or think Phil didn't support him. Most of all, he didn't need to think Phil loved him.

Because he didn't. Right? Well, he did love him, but he wasn't in love with him. He was his best friend, nothing more. If Dan thought Phil was in love with him, then everything would be awkward between them. So Phil had to stop the rumors from getting to Dan.

The fire was too large to contain, and though Phil might be able to put it out, most likely, it would continue to spread before then. The only thing he could do was extend the flame's pattern himself.

Phil was driving Dan to school. Dan kept observing the scenery around them. Though it was fall, it was surprisingly nice outside. Cold, yes, but not as grey as usual.


Dan turned his head to the right to face Phil.

"I have to tell you something."

Dan waited expectantly for Phil to spill his own secret.

"I'm also bisexual."

Phil waited for Dan's reaction, but Dan didn't do anything other than perhaps smile just a tiny bit.

"I just wanted to set the record straight since there's been a lot of rumors around school about that. They're all false, so don't believe anything anyone tells you about me."

Dan nodded. He was struggling to contain his smile.

"What?" Phil asked.

Dan waited until they were at a red light to sign to Phil.

You said you're setting the record straight, but you're actually setting it bi.

Dan looked so pleased with himself that Phil had to smile at his joke.

"Yes, I get it," Phil said and rolled his eyes. "Clever."

Though secretly, Phil thought Dan's joke was cute. Stupid, but cute.

Phil pulled up to his reserved spot in the school's parking lot. He parked the car, turned the engine off, and took the key out.

"We're here."

They each unbuckled their seatbelts and opened their doors to get out of the car. Once they were both out, they walked side by side to their first class.

As Dan and Phil walked into English class, a few people snickered.

"Ignore them," Phil told Dan.

I've been doing that for a while now.

They went about their day normally, though whispers followed them everywhere they went. Some people made kissing noises, some people looked at them with disgust, and some people expressed their approval.

"So, what's the craziest rumor you've heard?" Phil asked Dan at lunch.

That you're lying for attention.

"Well, I'm definitely not lying, and I definitely don't want all this attention."

I know.

"You're okay, right? No one's confronted you or anything? Nothing with Joe?"

Dan shook his head.


They ate in silence and only exchanged words through awkward stares. Then, Phil broke the silence.

"Hey, wanna do something fun today? Maybe...ditch?" Phil looked at Dan with a wild look like skipping class was equivalent to breaking the law.

Scandalous. I can see the headlines: Dean's son runs away with boy he's meant to protect.

Phil giggled a little.


Hell yes.

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