Chapter 2

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Alex's POV
We got off the bus and there was an old lady waiting, looking very excited. "Hello! Welcome to Camp Revolution! My name is Mrs. Washington, you can call me Martha." said the lady. "Come sign in and I'll tell you your cabin and give you schedules" said Martha. I walked over, and told her my name. "Alexander Hamilton, ok, here you are! Cabin 23! Here is your schedule, I'll get someone from your cabin to show you around." she said. "Oh there's Gilbert, he can show you around." She said leading me over to a tall kid who was getting his mail. "Gilbert, this is Alexander, Alexander this is Gilbert." Martha said introducing us. "Lafayette not Gilbert, je n'aime pas being called that" he corrected her in a thick French accent. I looked over at Aaron who was being put in a cabin near mine. He was busy talking to a tall kid who looked a lot like Lafayette. "Allons" (come on) Lafayette said as he started walking away. I followed. "So, who's all in our cabin?" I asked. "Right now just me and my friend Hercules Mulligan." Lafayette said smiling as he said Hercules name. We talked for the walk to the cabin, Lafayette was super nice and funny, I hoped Hercules Mulligan would be nice too. "Here we are" said Lafayette as we arrived at a cabin. "Bonjour!" Said Lafayette as he opened the door. A kid jumped from a top bunk and yelled "Yo Laf did I get any mail?" Laf laughed and handed him a letter. "This is Alexander, he's in our cabin" Laf said pointing to me. Hercules looked at me and I got a good look at him, he was taller than me but not as tall as Laf, he had short hair and dark skin, he looked really nice. Laf was super tall with mocha coloured skin, and lots of poofy hair that he had tied back. "Yo Alexander I'm Hercules Mulligan, but you can call me Herc" he said sticking his hand out to shake mine. "You can call me Alex" I said smiling. "We should get going to the dinner hall, dinner is soon." Said Laf.
Laf's POV
We began walking to the dinner hall. "I wonder what's for dinner tonight" Said Herc "Je pense pizza" I said. (I think pizza). Soon we arrived at the dinner hall. We walked in and sat down at a table. Then the camp owner, George Washington, walked out with a microphone. Alex leaned over to me and asked who he was. "George Washington, the camp owner." I replied.

Alex's POV
The dinner hall was nice, it was a huge building full of picnic tables and pictures/paintings of the camp, and campers each year. Then someone walked out on the stage, who I assumed was the camp owner. I leaned over to Laf and asked who he was. "George Washington, the camp owner." He replied.
"Ladies and gentlemen you could have been anywhere in the world this summer, but you're here with us at camp revolution. Welcome 2018 campers! Not everyone had arrived yet but in about 2 days they should all be here." said Washington. "Today for dinner we have pizza!" Everyone cheered, I love pizza. "Oui!" Yelled Laf, "I was right!" Me and Herc laughed as we all went to get pizza. When we sat back down I spotted Aaron. He smiled and began walking over to me. "Hi" he said. "Hey" I replied smiling. I saw the others in his cabin looking at us like they wanted us dead. Suddenly the tall kid who looked like Laf that I'd seen talking to Aaron earlier began walking over looking mad, with a scared looking kid behind him. "Aaron! Why are you talking to these morons! Get back to our table, trust me you don't want to be seen these people." He said. Laf gave him the finger and said "Piss of Tomas". Laf turned to me "this is my stupid jerk cousin Tomas Jefferson and his stupid follower James Madison." He said. "He's not my follower he's my friend!" Jefferson yelled. James nodded. "Sure he is" said Laf. Tomas looked really mad and he tried to punch Laf and Laf tried to hit him back, soon they were fighting, and Washington came over. "Boys! Boys! BOYS! ENOUGH! Who started this?" Said Washington. Everyone pointed at Tomas. Tomas looked like he was gonna kill us. He stormed off back to his table with James following and Burr following looking guilty. Sorry about that guys, Gilbert next time please come get me" he said. "Mr.Washington, can you please call me Laf or Lafayette, not Gilbert." Said laf. "But Gilbert's your name" replied Washington. "I know but I hate it" said laf. "If you wish" Washington sighed
as he walked away.
Herc's POV
We started to head back to the cabin, we stayed late at dinner and it was getting dark. "That was good pizza" said Alex. "Oui" agreed Laf. When we got back to the cabin we sat on the floor and talked. We talked until it was really dark out. "Mes amis, we should go to bed" said Laf yawning. We all climbed into bed.
Alex's POV
My first day was amazing, I get the feeling the rest will be great to. I thought about all the fun I will have as I slowly fell asleep.

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