Chapter 9

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Laf's POV
We got in our swimsuits and walked to the lake to meet up with everyone else. Me, Herc, Alex, and John met up with the Schuyler sisters, Maria Reynolds, Theodosia, and sadly  Aaron Burr, Jefferson, and Madison. The lake was packed. We all sat down and talked for a while. "Wow it's hard to believe we have been here for a month already." Said Peggy. "Oui" I agreed. "And we only have a month left." Said Alex. Everyone went silent, we never wanted camp to end. We were going to university when camp ended so I didn't think we would have time to ever see each other again. To lighten the mood Alex had just put us in, we decided to go swimming. Herc had already started walking towards the dock, so I ran after him and tackled him into the water. Everyone started laughing. It was great. I was really going to miss camp and my friends and Herc. How would our  relationship last if we never saw each other again.

Alex's POV
We were all laughing and playing in the water together. It was so much fun. John looked so cute when he laughed. I never wanted to leave. I tried not to think about what would happen when camp ended. I tried thinking about other things. That night the whole camp was going to play a huge game of hide and seek. It would be great. The skies look a little cloudy though, I hope it doesn't rain. Because that means a storm.
-time skip to the evening-
We all sat on the grass listening to Washington talk about the rules to camp hide and seek. He split us into 2 teams. I was on the hiding team, and so were James and Aaron. John, Laf, and Herc were on the other team. This will be great I thought I'm great at hiding. We got ready to start. "3...2....1... GO!" Yelled Washington. My team all ran in different directions. I ran really far, almost to the edges of camp. I hid in a bunch of really thick bushes where no one would see me. It was the perfect spot, far and hidden. About an hour passed and no one came anywhere near me. It was starting to get dark. I was staring to get scared. What if they forgot about me? What if the game ended? What if no one is looking for me? What if I was lost? My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden clap of thunder. Shit I thought. A storm. Suddenly it started pouring. The thunder was so loud and the lightning was so close. I was going to die. There was no one to protect me. It was so scary. I started to cry. A lightning bold struck really close to me and I screamed and screamed for a long time. I must have been crying and screaming for an hour when I heard voices. The storm was still going. This is it, I'm going to die. I'm hearing voices. But I knew I wasn't hearing things when John and Washington appeared. "Alex! Alex are you ok?!" John called as he ran over and hugged me. I wasn't listening, I could stop thinking about how I just couldn't seem to die. I lost my mom and my brother to a storm this big, and I survived then and I survived now. I looked at John. He looked really concerned. Washington gave me a towel that was wet but helped somehow. I was still crying and scared, as they walked me back to the cabin. We stopped at the nurse cabin to check that I was alright after being in the cold rain for so long. After that Washington dropped John and I off at our  cabin. I went straight to my bed and John followed. "I'm sorry we took so long to find you, I'm happy you are ok" John said as he sat next to me. I smiled and hugged him. "You should get some sleep" John said, kissing me.
"Goodnight" I said.
"Goodnight" John replied.

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