Part three

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Finally graduation day. Me and my friends were in our cap and gowns taking pictures. Now it was time to get my diploma and open the door to the next chapter in my life. After the graduation, I had a graduation party at my house. Most of the kids from my school came to the party. In the backyard we put a big tarp out and used soap and water and went down it. When it was my turn to go down I went and slide down to far into a mud pile. After everyone left I rinsed all the mud off and went up stairs and started to pack.
The day is finally here the day that me and my friends go on our hike across the Appalachian Trail. I grab all my things and my parents drop me off at the beginning of the trail. Adam and Alexa were already there now we are just waiting for Hannah and Jane. After they arrived, we all said our goodbyes to our parents.
The first day of the hike was exhausting. We walked twenty miles today and I was exhausted. Right now we are resting and making dinner and setting up our tents. After we finish dinner we decided to have s'mores to celebrate our first night on the trail.
"One day down four more months" to go that was the last thought that ran through my mind that night. 
Through the past two weeks I have gotten used to walking long distances each day. We walk twenty miles a day each day. Right now we are in ten miles into Virginia. I've been to Virginia once before for a cheerleading competition.
It was a Friday and we were walking along on the trail and we came across a hungry bear about fifty yards in front of us. We all stopped and hide behind this big rock and tried to come up with a plan to get around the big bear. We decided to climb the mountain to go around the bear. As we were climbing I slipped and lost my balance and started to slide down the mountain straight for the bear. As I was sliding down I grabbed a branch and I held on like my life depended on it because it did. Adam found a rope in his backpack and threw it down to me. I grabbed the rope and started to climb back up. I heard ruffling noise behind me. I turn around and see the bear coming towards me. I start to panic and tried to climb faster, but the faster I climbed the more I slipped and fell more towards the bear. I stopped and took a quick deep breath and climbed more, but this time I climbed more calmly.
After about twenty minutes i managed to get back up the mountain with my friends. The bear was still coming up the mountain near us and he was coming fast. We had to think up of a plan fast. We decided to throw food down the mountain past the bear. The bear went and chased the food down the mountain. As the bear was eating, we went around the bear and walked fast till we were out of the bears sight.

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