Under One Roof

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Hello, everyone! I am back after a short break with Chapter 8 of The Following Years in Love. I hope you are all enjoying this story so far. If you are, please RATE, REVIEW, and FOLLOW. Enjoy!

Jordan's POV:

With the hustle and bustle of the holidays behind our family, we were settling back into our normal routine. Our trio was situated in our kitchen on this snowy Friday in January. Our typical morning routine was beginning, with Nick seated at the table, drinking his coffee with the paper, and Catherine finishing up her breakfast, and I sipping my coffee making sure Catherine was eating her eggs.

"Kitty, honey please eat your eggs... You need to eat something before you go to school."

Catherine was being difficult this morning, which was so unlike her. However, I had to remember that she was four, and could certainly have her moments.

"No, I don't like them." Catherine said in a huff.

I let out a sigh of frustration, and Nick then put his paper down.

"Catherine Jane, you eat those eggs right now young lady. Listen to your mother and eat your breakfast." Nick said in a stern voice.

Catherine's lower lip stuck out at she pouted, but sure enough, she started eating her eggs. Nick usually wasn't one to get upset, but he was nervous about today. He had a meeting in the city with his editor about his novel. It's one of his last revisions, and as always, he's second guessing his work.

I've told him time and time again that his writing is sensational, and he would be just fine. If only he would listen to me...

Eight o'clock rolled around, as Nick gathered his briefcase, and put on his coat and hat. I bundled up Catherine at the door in her winter coat, hat, boots, and mittens.

"Mummy, do I have to wear all of this?" She said to me as I buttoned up her coat.

"Yes my love, I can't have my little girl getting cold. Now you have a good day at school..." I said as I kissed her cheek.

Rising up from Catherine's level, I went over to Nick who was waiting by the door.

I fiddled with his buttons on his coat to make sure they were secure.

"And I can't have my husband getting cold either..." I said with a smile.

He placed his hands on my shoulders, and ran his hands down my frame. I could tell by his expression that this meeting was bothering him.

I placed a soft kiss to his lips, and pulled him into an embrace. I then whispered in his ear; "Good luck today my darling, everything is going to be just fine, I know it."

He smiled, and kissed me again. "I love you honey, I'll see you later."

"C'mon Kitty, lets get you to school." Said Nick as he took Catherine's hand.

"Bye you two, have a wonderful day my loves!" I said as they went out the door.

I closed the door quickly to avoid letting any heat out of the house. I went back into the kitchen, and cleaned our dishes from breakfast. I couldn't help but love days like this, where I could be slightly domestic. During the golfing season, I keep myself busy during the day, either practicing, or having the occasional tournament. This time of year was more relaxing. Catherine was off at school, and every Friday, Nick goes into the city to meet with his editor to discuss the progress of his book. I was snowed in, in our cozy little bungalow. The fire was going, and Mister the cat was curled up cozily on Nick's chair.

I puttered around, and tidied up the house. I made Nick and I's bed, along with Catherine's. I swept up the kitchen, and mopped the floors. With the house nice and clean, I decided to take a seat in the living room, read a magazine, and have a cigarette.

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