Moon and Back

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Nick's POV:

I woke up this fine summer day with quite differently than usual. Usually, Jordan wakes me up, but my wife was still at the hospital, as she just had our newest addition the day before. At 6:30 on July 3rd, I feel someone jostling me in my sleep. My sleepy eyes open, and there at my bedside is Catherine.

"What's the matter, honey?" I said sleepily to Catherine.

"I'm ready to go see Mommy and Louise." She said in a hushed whisper.

I sat up slightly and couldn't help but laugh. She had gotten herself all dressed, her hair done to the best of her ability, and her shoes on her tiny feet.

"Kitty, we can't leave right now, it's too early. Mommy and Louise are resting."

"But Daddy, I want to see them... Please, can we go, please?" Catherine said while shining her sad grey eyes at me that she knew I couldn't resist.

"Sweetheart, the hospital won't let us visit this early. See, look at the clock." I said while pointing at the clock on my nightstand.

"When the little hand is on the ten, and the big hand is on the twelve, then we can go see Mommy and your sister."

Understanding that she couldn't convince me, she obliged.

"Daddy..." She said to me before she left the bedroom.

"What is it lovey?"

"I can't fall back asleep. I'm too excited." Catherine said with a little grin on her face.

I laughed and replied, "I know, I'm excited too. How about we have a little breakfast and then do a little reading? Or maybe we could go on a little walk to pass the time. How does that sound."

She scampered over to my bedside and grabbed my hand. "Okay Daddy, let's go! I want time to start going by faster."

I chuckled to myself yet again and obliged. I suppose this has become my life, being dragged around by a house full of females, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Jordan's POV:

It was a little past seven when the little whimpers of my little Louise Anne Carraway woke me up. I looked over from my hospital bed into the bassinet and tears automatically came to my eyes.

I was more than thrilled to be a mother again. There's nothing quite like having a new baby, and the joy and love that expanding your family brings.

Of course, my babies happened to be the most beautiful. Louise looks very similar to Catherine. She has full cheeks, the peachiest complexion, and little bowtie lips that most people died to have. She had the longest little eyelashes, and the only differing characteristic is her light blonde hair. She is truly the definition of perfection.

I was worried that when I was pregnant with Louise that I wouldn't love her as much as I do Catherine. However, she's not even a day old, and I love my two daughters just the same.

I picked up Louise to check on her, and as soon as I held her in my arms, her whimpers seemed to fade away.

"Hello, my little darling, did you just need your Mommy?" I said as I rocked her in my arms.

She let out a little yawn, which made my heart flutter.

"Are you still tired my little Louise? You'll need to be well rested when Daddy and your sister come to see you. Daddy loves you so much already, and so doesn't your sister. She can't wait to meet you, my little love..." I whispered down at my newest daughter.

Not being phased by all of the happenings of the day, Louise layed there content in my arms. I brought her to my chest and her head went right into the crook of my neck, snuggling right up to me. If you had told me five years ago, I would be in a hospital bed swooning over my second daughter, I wouldn't have believed you. Boy, am I glad for these unexpected turn of events.

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