Each New Year

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Hello, everyone! Welcome to Chapter 11 of The Following Years in Love. Again, I know I haven't been updating as much, but I am trying my best to get as much content out there as I can. I have a new story that I've been working on that has taken up some of my time, which will be coming within the next few weeks. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and as always, please RATE, REVIEW, and FOLLOW!

Nick's POV:

The month of March had begun, and signs of spring were beginning to make their way to Long Island. Today, the sun was bright, snow was melting, and dripping down the windows of our bungalow. It reminded me of this same day, five years ago, the day my little girl was born.

Today was March 8th, and it was Catherine Jane Carraway's fifth birthday. I could hardly believe that our baby girl was five. These years have gone by in the blink of an eye. Although it was incredible to watch the person that my wife and I created grow and learn each day, I just wish that time could slow down ever so slightly.

It was just past 8 in the morning, and Jordan and I had gotten dressed, and were about to tiptoe into Catherine's bedroom to wish her a happy birthday. I was all set to go wake her, but Jordan was still pulling herself together.

She sat at her vanity, all dressed wiping the tears that were falling down her face.

I walked over to her, and placed my hands softly on her shoulders. We made eye contact, and she gave me a sad smile.

"C'mon honey, it'll be okay..." I said as I rubbed her shoulders.

Jordan sniffed; "I know, Nick... She's just growing up so fast. And this baby right here is making me exceptionally more emotional." She said as she placed her hand on her protruding abdomen.

I smiled as Jordan stood up right in front of me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Let's go wake up Kitty, and have a fun day... How does that sound?"

Jordan nodded her head, and kissed my cheek. She took my hand, and we walked down the hall and into Catherine's room.

We looked down at her at her sleeping form, looking as precious as ever. Her caramel ringlets were askew all over her pillow. Her bow shaped lips were slightly parted, and her little hand was resting on top of her faithful companion, Mister the cat.

Jordan and I couldn't help but smile when we looked at our sleeping little girl. She has been our entire world for five years, and I could hardly wait to see what the next year would bring for our sweet girl.

We sat on the edge of her bed, and Jordan rubbed her back gently to wake her up. Her little blue eyes fluttered, and opened looking at both Jordan and I.

"Happy birthday, my sweet Catherine!" Jordan said as she placed what seemed to be a thousand kisses all over little Kitty's face.

"Hey, what about me!" I chimed in.

I gave Catherine a kiss on the forehead and cheek, and she crawled into my arms for a big hug.

"How old are you today Catherine Jane?"

She gave me a sleepy smile; "Five!" she said as she held up five fingers.

"My sweet little baby is five today! Stop growing up Kitty, I want you to be my baby forever and ever." Jordan said as Catherine made her way over to her mother's lap.

"Mumma, I'm not a baby! When my baby sister comes, she'll be the baby, and I'll be in charge of her." Catherine said very seriously.

Jordan and I were trying to stifle our laughs.

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