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Katerina's POV


"You sure this is going to work?" I looked at Bailey as we walked through the school halls.

"Postitive. Now start talking to Mason, make him mad, I'll talk to Styles and lead him over here.. make Mason so mad he grabs your arm. Boom, instant save. Okay?" I nodded and looked around. Some people were staring at me. I knew exactly why though.

"There he is. He's walking over here, catch ya later girl! Stick to the plan." Bailey tapped my shoulder and ran away. "Hey." Mason said pushing me against the lockers. I hit my head really hard but tried to not show pain.

"Hey?" I said looking at him strangely." He smirked. "Wheres your little tutor now huh? You two break off?" I looked down. "U-uhm.." He grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "Listen here Kat, I'm done with your crap do you hear me? You and me are a couple, not you and Harry. Okay? Now let's g-.."

"Hey! Get your hands off of her!"


Bailey's POV


I ran around basically the whole school looking for Harry but he was no where. I walked back to the front entrance and saw him with a totally different girl. I went over to him and pushed the giirl in the bushes.

"What the he- eh whatever, I didn't like her anyways.." I rolled my eyes and just as I was about to speak. "Is that Katerina?" I heard a familiar voice, it bviously wasn't Kat. It was a guy.. "Liam?" I whispered. I looked up and saw Liam and Niall running inside the school.

I looked at Harry. "I.. Uh.. SEE YA AROUND!" I yelled as I ran inside. I saw Mason pushing Kat against the lockers, he had his hand on her chin. I looked from her to Niall. Her and Niall had a long history. They were a couple from 5th grade up to freshman year. Then Niall moved away.

Her heart was broken but she found Mason and blah blah blah. "Hey! Get your hands off her you!" Niall screamed and almost punched Mason in the face but Liam stopped him. "Who the hell are you guys!?"

Mason yelled as the bell rang for class. I turned around to still see Harry staring at Kat. Mason let her go and she ran to me. "Holy hell.. What happned to the plan and why is Niall here!?" She whispered in my ear. I turned around and pointed at Harry.

"This douche was with another girl." I said loudly enough for everyone to hear. I saw Niall turn around and Liam too. Liam was my ex-boyfriend. I'm not going into full detail because not even I know what happened exactly.

"Katerina.." Niall said and walked over to her. "Niall? W-what are you doing here?" She asked hugging him. "OKAY!? HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE YOU SEEING!?" Mason yelled in Kat's face as her and Niall..

Niall punched him in the face. "GET OUT OF HER FACE!" Mason was about to hit back but Kat got in the way. "Mason, how many times do I have to tell you screw off? WE'RE OVER FOR GOOD!" He rolled his eyes and walked off.

Harry walked up to Kat. "Uhm.. Katerina, a-are you okay?" Niall looked at me, so did Kat. "Let's go over here Harry.." Kat pulled Harry aside. "Who t is that Bailey?" He whispered. Liam walked over too. "That's Harry, he likes Katerina.." I looked at Liam then looked down.

Great way to start off a week..

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