karry is official

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Katerina's POV


"I have to talk to him El.." I said standing up. "Kat. If you do.. he'll think it's you saying you love him." I stopped and sighed. I slowly turned around. "I do love him. More than anything.." I said quietly leaving the room and walking down the hall. It was 3 in the morning Harry probably wasn't even awake.

I stopped at his door. I knocked quietly. "Harry?" I whispered. I heard someone running then the door flew open. "Kat? What's wrong? Are you okay? What happened?" He asked running his hand through his curls. I smiled, that's the Harry I remember. I shrugged. "I wanna talk." He nodded and let me in.

He looked at me. "You don't look comfortable." He was referring to my clothes and indeed he was right. I was wearing jean shorts and a shirt that was a size too small for me. I nodded. He walked to his dresser and looked through his clothes. "So.. whatcha wanna talk about?" He asked me.

"Us.." I whispered. He stopped what he was doing and looked down. "I'm sorry.." He said shaking his head and continuing rummaging through his clothes. He finally gathered what he need and handed the clothes to me. I was one of his t-shirts and some sweatpants. I nodded. He turned around.

"You can change. I won't look." He said a bit.. Shy like? I'm used to the outgoing Harry. The guy who is focused on being the fun and crazy one. I quickly changed and gathered my clothes. "Done." He turned around as I sat on his bed. I started messing with my fingers. "I'm sorry." I said standing up.

"About?" He asked curiously. I sighed and sat back down. "Being a.. dog." I said laying my head in my hands. "Your not a dog." He said laughing and sat next to me. It was a it weird considering I haven't been anywhere this close to Harry since 2010. I shook my head.

"Kat. I know this is late but.." He took a deep breath and grabbed my shoulders. He moved me so I was facing him. Suddenly, his lips met mine.. for about 3 seconds. He pulled away and stood up. Slowly backing away. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Do you have a boyfriend? Holy christ I didn't.." I smiled and got up.

"It's okay, I don't have a boyfriend and to be honest. I liked that." I said leaning against the wall. He stopped pacing and looked at me. "And by the way.. I love you." I winked and opened the door. I then felt a pair of warm arms grab me and spin me around. "Harry!" I yelled. He laid me on the bed. This hugging me, but he was hovering over me.

"You love me.." He whispered. I shrugged. He kissed me again and picked me up. Spinning me some more. After about 60 more kisses and 300 more spins he let me down. "Night Harry." I said and kissed his cheek. "Wait!" He grabbed my hand and smiled at me. "Will you be my girlfriend.. Again? I promise you I won't ever EVER hurt you Kat."

I sighed and shrugged. "Maybe. Ill think about it." His smile died down into a frown. "Just kidding. Yes, I most certainly will." He smiled again. "Now I'm going to bed. I love you." I said kissing his cheek again. He blushed and kissed me.

"Love you too."


i feel like when you say official you're suppose to say it like


holding on (h.s)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ