hell and back

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Harrys POV


I started running. I knew London, there was a hospital nearby. "Please don't leave me Kat. Please.." I whispered as I ran. I stopped at a crossing sign. "H-Harry?" I looked down to see Kat opening her eyes. "Kat! Kat? Are you okay? Oh my god, babe.." She looked around.

"W-What's going on?" She said in a panicking voice. "It's okay, I'm taking you to the hospital. Just sit tight." She nodded and closed her eyes. I looked across the street at the tall white glowing building. "Almost there. Hang on baby.." I whispered. I'm calling her baby and babe.. Whatever.

I ran across the street and into the hospital. "Help! Help! My ex-girlfriends passed out. I don't know what's wrong!" I yelled running in. About three nurses came to my aid. One had one of those bed things. "What happened and what's her name?" One asked as I set Kat down.

They wheeled her off. "Katerina Pane. P-A-N-E. She's a Victoria Secret model and I was there to preform, after the show my band and I were in our van to leave. Well her other ex-boyfriend grabbed her arm and pushed her against the wall. I don't if she hit her head but she said she felt dizzy.." I explained and she nodded. "Just relax. We'll take care of her."

I nodded and sat down. I was still soaking wet. Another nurse handed me a towel and warm blanket. I thanked her and wrapped myself with them both. All that was running through my mind was Kat. I wanted to know if she was okay. I wanted to know she's not in pain. I set my head on my hands and closed my eyes.

~2 hours later~

"Mr. Styles?" A lady shook me awake. I opened my eyes and stood up. "What? What happened? Is she okay? Can I see her?" I asked standing up. She touched my arm. "Mr.Styles, she's alright. A little head trama but she will be fine a a week or so. You can go see her but she's sleeping and she's also in a lot of pain." I nodded. "Follow me."

She lead me to a room close to the entrance. She lead me in and walked out, closing the door behind me. I walked next to Kat. She had an IV in her left arm and there were some machines around her. I pulled up a chair and grabbed her hand. "Hey babe.." I whispered.

"I know, we may not be together.. but I miss you so very much. I miss seeing your beautiful face every day. I miss waking up next to you. I miss hold you and kissing you every 5 minutes. I'm so so so very sorry I lost contact. I just thought it was the best if I didn't give you my new number." I explained, tears falling from my eyes.

I rubbed her hand as I held it. "I just didn't want to know that when I didn't answer you calls or text that you thought I didn't want to talk to you. I wanted to talk to you and see you everyday babe. I was just so busy 24/7. If I could go back I would. I never meant to hurt you. Ever. I know you hate me. I know I broke my promises..

But I didn't forget you Katerina. Ever. You were always on my mind. I cried some nights knowing I hurt you. I cried knowing that I left you. Baby, I need you back in my life. I can't hardly breath knowing you're here. I blame myself. I know I let you down. I just wish I could go back to the day I tried out. I would've done horrible just to know I would be with you everyday.

I still have all the pictures of us Kat. I've never taken them down from my nightstand. I look at them every night before I go to sleep. I guess what I'm trying to say is.. I don't know. Baby just know I still love you. And I've never stopped. You might think I did. But I didn't. I love you so much. You probably didn't hear a word I said, but if you did..

I'm sorry. I'm sorry I let you down. I'm sorry I broke my promises. I'm sorry for everything. Babe, I'm sorry for putting you through hell. If anything that's where I should be. I should be in this hospital bed, not you. I love you. I'm going to leave my number and address. Babe, I'll be here everyday until you get out. And if you still hate me after this, I'll leave you alone.

I'll leave and never come back. I promise. I love you Katerina Hazel Pane. Forever and Always." I was now in full tears. I wrote down my number and address and put it on the edge of her bed. I kissed her hand and walked out. I decided to tweet.


Been through a lot today. Please pray for Katerina. She's been through hell and back today. She need faith and love. Please trend.. #PrayForKat

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