Chapter 2:Adoption.

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Chapter 2, Adoption

As he walked through the village Naruto noticed how all the villagers were staring at the basket in his hand. He could hear some of them whispering things like "Hey, what's that the demon brat's carrying" "Hmm... no, it couldn't be. Could it?" and "Since when do demons have children".

Annoyed by the attention he was getting Naruto took to the rooftops. Naruto decided to go to the Hokage tower first since he had to give Tsunade his mission report, after that he would take Yana home and get her settled in.

Half-way to the Hokage tower Naruto stopped to check on Yana who had fallen fast asleep.

After three minutes of jumping rooftops Naruto arrived in Tsunade's office, having jumped through the window since he was too impatient to use the door. When Naruto arrived he noticed Tsunade was asleep.

"Oh man... well, guess I'll have to wake her up" Naruto said before producing a shadow clone "Ok, I need you to wake up grandma for me." Naruto told the clone.

The Naruto clone shook his head frantically and yelled "NO WAY, SHE'LL COLBBER ME".

"What do you care, you're a clone. you'll just disappear afterwards" Said the real Naruto.

The clone Naruto groaned before walking over to the sleeping Tsunade. The clone hesitated for a moment before poking Tsunade on the elbow. No affect. he poked again, but still nothing. After several attempts at waking Tsunade up the clone Naruto, growing impatient, leaned down by Tsunade's ear and yelled "WAKE UP ALREADY!".

In a flash Tsunade's fist connected with clone Naruto's face, causing him to dissapear in a puff of smoke.

Tsunade awoke with a loud groan "What the heck, did I just pulverise someone" She asked herself.

Sitting up Tsunade noticed Naruto standing by her window, a nervous grin stretched across his face "H-hi grandma Tsunade, had a nice nap" He asked her.

"NARUTO, HOW DARE YOU WAKE ME" Tsunade roared, she got up and charged at Naruto with the intent to pummel him but stopped when she noticed the basket in Naruto's arms.

"Huh? Hey squirt, what's with the basket?" Tsunade asked, Naruto turned the basket around so that Yana, now awake, was facing Tsunade.

Tsunade let out a loud squeal and picked Yana up, cuddling her like mad. Naruto was shocked to say the least, this was not the reaction he was expecting.

Noticing the odd stare Naruto was giving her Tsunade coughed loudly and placed Yana carefully back in her basket.

Tsunade looked curiously at Naruto for a second, she new Naruto couldn't really be the childs father but she decided to tease him about it anyway.

"Well, ain't she cute. Is she yours"

"Well, I guess you could say that" Naruto said dumbly.

"So, who's the lucky lady then?" Tsunade said teasingly

Naruto turned as red as a tomato "W-w-what?" he stuttered.

"I mean who're you marrying. Or did you already get married without inviting me? I'm so sad" Tsunade said in a mock hurt voice.

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