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{Chapter Seven, Twilight, 'Explanations'} 

Harriet and Carlisle sat in his car, driving toward the Cullen house

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Harriet and Carlisle sat in his car, driving toward the Cullen house. Harriet felt sick to her stomach when she realized that the last time she had spoken to the Cullen children was when she freaked out and cursed Carlisle. She took a deep sigh, which signaled to Carlisle that she was in distress. His cold hand grasped her small warm one, making her feel calm and at peace. She smiled at Carlisle, as he smirked at her. "Don't worry, love, they will understand." He said as they began to pull up to Carlisle's house. This was the first time she saw the outside of his house, as she apparted out of the Cullen household last time. It was extremely open, something that she felt was understandable. They didn't have to hide her. The house was illuminated by the sun. "Someone else is here." Carlisle spoke, he opened the car door for Harriet. Immediately Harriet pulled out her wand. 

Holding it out in front of her and holding onto Carlisle with the other hand. They went inside and heard, "It's just i know you guys don't eat." She heard Bella say. 

Then a smooth voice replied, "That's very considerate of you dear." Carlisle was shocked that his Wife Esme was here. Ever since Alice saw Harriet coming Esme and Carlisle's relationship had been rocky. When Carlisle suggested that they move to Forks Esme left. So why was she here now, he prayed to God she doesn't ruin anything with Harriet. 

"Esme, Bella, what are you two doing here?" Carlisle asked as he pulled Harriet into the room, everyone was very confused and shocked to see her there. 

She got scared, so she ended up speaking french. "Salut, désolé pour la dernière fois que j'étais ici." which meant, 'hi, sorry about last time i was here.'

Alice decided to speak up, "Toujours confus à ce sujet par le chemin" Which meant 'Still confused about that by the way.'

Bella who was watching the exchange was very mad, why the hell was her 'sister' here. The Cullen's didn't need this whore here. Edward tried to read Harriett's mind which gave him a major headache. "What are you doing here?" Bella spat. The Cullen's had never seen Bella be so rude.

"Sweet Merlin, You two are mates? Great, just what i need. A muggle knowing what i am!" She muttered to herself. "Anyway! I'm here to explain everything. It's probably gonna take a while, so just be patient." She spoke. "My name is Harriett Lily Potter. I was born to Lily Potter, nee Evans and James Potter. On the 31st july 1987, along with my twin brother Harry James Potter. Our Godfather was Sirius Black. My family is different, we are wizards. Yes, pointy hats and broom sticks. My mother was a muggle born witch, which meant her parents had no magic. She had a sister that was not a witch her name was Petunia, she married a ghastly man called Vernon Dursley. My father is known as a blood traitor, meaning he doesnt hate muggles or muggle borns." Harriett spoke, everyone listened intently, they all took seats as she began to talk.

"In 1988 a dark wizard, the worst ever none to man, named Voldemort heard a prochey about twins born as the seven month dies, born to those who thrice defied him. He would mark them as his equal. But he didn't know that part. My parents went into hiding, but Peter Pettigrew gave up their hiding place, on the 31st of October Voldemort came to kill us all. He killed my mother and Father, and accidentally marked me and harry as his equals. Harry got a lightning bolt scar on his forehead and i got a crown behind my ear. Voldemort was said to have died that night, but he didn't he made Horrcroxs to save himself." she spoke. "Harry was sent to live with the dursleys who'd recently had a son, dudley. Dumbeldore thought it'd be unsafe for us to be together so i was sent to Charlie Swan. When i was 11 a half giant named Hagrid picked me up, explaining to Dad how i was a wizard and in the words of Hagrid 'a thumpin gooden once yer trained up a bit'. We then went and got Harry, we got our school supplies and thats where my life got better, but worse." she spoke. Tears began to glisten in her eyes, so Carlisle grasped her hand. 

"I'm going to brief it now, in our first year Harry got put on the Quidditch team as a seeker. Youngest in a century. When his broom got cursed at first we thought it was Snape but really it was Qurriel as he had Voldemort living on the back of his head. He was looking for the philosophers stone, which can create an elixir of life, But me harry ron and hermione stopped him. And Dumbledore destroyed it so that Voldemort couldn't use it to come back. In our second year a death eater named Lucious Malfoy snuck Tom Riddle's diary into Ginny Weasley's couldron, we later found out that he was Voldemort. In the end he opened the chamber of secrets, almost killed a bunch of people but in the end me and harry killed a basilsik and destroyed the diary, unbestonest to us we destroyed one of Voldemort's Horocrox's . We also saved a house elf named Dobby. Long story short after battling so much so many times we ended up having a war. Where i lost so many people, including my first love Fred Weasley." She spoke, tears pooring down her face. "Among the dead over the years really took a toll, as it started with our parents then Cedric Diggory, Then Sirius, Dumbledore, Snape, Fred, and so many more. People who gave me and Harry a family when we needed it the most. They died, and-" She broke into tears. Carlisle hugged her. She cried into his shoulder. "I'll never forget it, and i have constant reminders. The scars. Some noticeable and some emotional. " 

"So thats why you freaked out on us?" Rosalie asked, who's eyes where filled up with tears that would never fall.

"Yes,  it's been hard since the Battle of Hogwarts. I'm trying but unlike Harry i didn't have someone to hold my hand as i watched my loved ones die." She spoke. "Now ask me some fun questions. The wizarding world isn't all bad." She spoke with a watery smile.

"Do Dragons exist?" Bella asked her sister.

"Oh yes! That reminds me, Harry Ginny Hagrid and i are going to visit Norbert in a while. Norbert is a dragon that Hagrid was given in our first year of hogwarts." They spent all night talking about the wizarding world, history of the cullens, and more. No one noticed that a jealous Esme had stormed out.

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