Chapter 01--- meet the characters

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This chapter by the way is dedicated to @sringluver because she’s superman!! Hohoho :D kidding :) this is dedicated to her coz she’s SUPER AMAZING!! She’s brilliant! Hey I just met her... And this is crazy but here’s her story so read it maybe? Her story by the way is entitled *insert sound effects* tan ta nan tan tan….When Dreams Come True read it okay? :D sorry for making this too long… here it goes…



Nichole Jane’s P.O.V

~~Jealous… they’ll be gettin’ jealous… coz I’ve got One Direction members signature on my shirt…~~

 Hahaha :D this is the advantage of having Simon Cowell as my father dear… yeah people he’s my ever busy dad. I fan the boy band that he formed and I love them so much… the problem is my daddy don’t like me to meet them… which feels bad, I’m not going to rape them by the way that’s brutal I’ll just look at them dreamingly *___* ohh… their handsome faces.

People don’t know that I’m the daughter of Simon Cowel just to protect the privacy of my ass >_< I feel bad at first coz it seems like he’s not proud of me *sigh* but I understand his real purpose as he explained it all. I live in a simple house 10 blocks away from the school. Now I’m going to school wearing a shirt with One Direction members’ signature!!! Yehey!!! I’m such a lucky girl :D

I took my bike off the garage and drive it going to school. I don’t wanna walk it’ll take me 1234567890 hours, punctuality is out of my vocabulary by the way. This bike will make me a bit punctual. At least I’ll arrive to school after the flag ceremony, unlike when I walk I’ll arrive when first subject already start. The principal dismissed the students after her announcement on our flag ceremony so I walk on the corridors with random people. They saw my shirt and there’s a magic!!! *kaboom!!!* I’M A CELEBRITY!!! Hahaha they start to approach me asking where I got my shirt, and why is it signed… I just pass them by and go to my room. By the way I’m 15 years young yeah I’m young :) and I’m entering the 8th grade. I’m the oldest but I don’t look like old… I know how to groom somehow.

I’m just an ordinary student when I’m not wearing One Direction shirts and other accessories. Well, I let my daddy get some of their things, give it to me and I’ll use it. So, here it goes… my silent mode. Well I can relate to the lessons but I don’t recite.. I’m shy? Uhm… it’s just that my classmates will just say “oohh… is this real? She recited... she got the answer were did she copy?... ohh she recited! What food did she eat? I’ll eat them too so that I can recite.”

I hate those lines coming out of their damn mouths when I’m reciting. The worse comment I’ve ever heard is:

“Oh… you got brains! I thought you don’t have one!” this is a line from Stella

‘Twas like… where do this person’s logic go? Is she not informed that everybody got brains? *sigh* discussions are done and we’ll now have our lunch break. I decided to be the last one to go out from the room coz it’s crowded. My classmates are competing from getting out of the door they are like hungry kindergartens. Now it’s my turn to go out no more crowds… I’m walking and all of the sudden…

“Hai Nichole!!!” a tall handsome man is approaching me!! Slap me if I’m dreaming! Ohh my… the university’s MVP is talking to my!

“Uhmm… Hey!” he smiled to me brightly, his dimples… I have a crush on him!

“err… h-hellow?” I smiled and waved my hand shyly.

“Let’s have lunch! Is it okay?” is this for real???

“No… your fan girls will kill me if ever. I’ll have lunch alone. Thanks”

“haha… no fan girls on that place I promise. So come with me please?”

“Okay?” I answered with hesitation.

“Oh… Nichole c’mon” he said as he put his arm on mine.

“Oh… your arm is heavy...”

“I’ll just hold your hand then.” He answered with a smile.


“Ohh… I don’t wanna die!!! We’ll not having suicide! Please not here!” I screamed as I cover my eyes… I am afraid of heights he bring me to the roof top of this building I never gone here yet, it’s my first time and I’m afraid were on the fifth floor and our position is near the edge.

“Hey! Don’t cry babe... No... I’m sorry for bringing you here please… babe sorry I don’t know that you’re afraid... please...” he said worryingly as he hug me, and slowly moving me away from the edge of the roof.

“I’m afraid…sorry I didn’t mean to make you worry...” I said as I let go of the hug and bowing my head.

“Haha your insane my fault… let’s eat, I prepared lunch for us. I cooked that.”

We talk about our favorites and hobbies I enjoyed his company. He also told me that popularity has disadvantages the paparazzi, expectations and limitations. I have a great time with him.

“Want to know a fact?” he asks out of nowhere.

“hmmm. What?”

“I’m Stella’s brother.”

“Ohh… I’m shocked! Hahaha hey buddy everyone knows ‘bout that thing and I’m one of those.”

“Hmmm… I hear some rumors that she’s treating you bad..?” he said asking for confirmation.

“Yeah. That’s true…. Your attitude is better than her. She’s brat…oh…s-sorry. I didn’t mean to- - -” he cut me there…

“No worries babe it’s okay I know I understand you.” He said smiling at me. thanks he’s understanding :)


“Ohh… lunch break is done” we said in chorus. We look each other and started laughing. Oohh… destiny do exist.

“c’mon let’s go.”

“Thanks Chard I enjoyed your company, I have a great time with you.” He bid me good bye then *poof* he’s gone.

Chard’s P.O.V

Hi everybody I’m Chard Safian, Stella’s brother. And I’m in a mission :) that’s all thank you :)

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Hey! You just read this….and I am crazy….but here’s the update so comment maybe? Hahaha :D how’s my composition? :P

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One Direction fact:

Louis Tomlinson likes to get to know girls before starting a relationship.

>>>>>>>>Nicol Jane…….

Coz she's dying---A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now