v i n g t - c i n q [edited]

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dear namjoon,

thank you for showing me what love truly is.
i've always felt neglected and unwanted in my life, so that's why i've always said i never believed in love. from my teachers, to my friends to my family, i've never felt a sensation so sweet and as amazing as this. but you? you made me feel emotions that i once thought were unimaginable. but i've come to learn that they also hold pain.

in the end, you managed to somehow make me love you. and i just wanna say, thank you. and i forgive you. it's because i love you.

and i always will.

-song ha-na

"thank you namjoon.." she said as she gazed upon the stars on top of his apartment complex's roof, where she had been staying for the past few weeks, thinking it would help with the coping of his loss within her life.

and as she finished her letter, a tear finally slipped. yet at the same time; she felt complete.

"i love you." were her final words, before she allowed the bottle of pills consume her.

"and i always will." were the same words at the end of her entry on the last page of his notebook which no one ever found again.


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