epilogue. [edited]

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• warning: sensitive topics will being mentioned within the chapter, if you are uncomfortable with reading anything of the sort, i highly suggest you stop reading right now. anyways, enjoy :)

6 years later...

jungkook walks down the street, iced americano in his hand, still grieving over the loss of his best friend; kim namjoon. along with the girl who his heart had always yearned for; song ha-na.

namjoon was always the older brother that jungkook had wanted ever since he was younger. especially when it seemed as though his own older brother hated him, which constantly broke his heart to no end.

his parents weren't the best either, one would say. with his mother constantly injecting herself with needles that held the toxins of heroine inside them, and his father being an alcoholic and unemployed, the jeon family still wondered how they were even able to afford living anymore.

he grew up with a tortuous childhood. his parents used to beat him constantly, especially when he got a bad mark in school, though they themselves failed it completely. he was always into sports, but his family never approved of it.

he also had a love for the arts deep down inside his closed off heart, but he never got the chance to be able to prove how amazing he truly was at it without his drunken father and wretched mother destroying every masterpiece he created, claiming it was a nuisance.

but namjoon never thought it was.
he thought it was beautiful.

the first time they met, he saw jungkook, only eleven years old, crying on the front of his porch late at night, saying - no, begging to be able to leave his home. saying that he felt like he didn't belong there, that he didn't feel loved.

namjoon heard it all.

he walked up to him, sat down next to him, put a hand on his shoulder and their friendship blossomed as if it was always meant to be.

they went to the same school, sat beside each other in class, had lunch together, played at recess with each other, they were the two boys that were practically destined to be brothers, just not by birth. they were inseparable.

it's a shame the spark died.

it all started once she came into the picture.

yes, song ha-na.

namjoon fell in love with her the first time he saw her in university.

he introduced her to jungkook, and he swore he could feel his heart leaping towards something he couldn't understand at first.

but he soon learned it wasn't something, it was someone.

he fell in love with song ha-na. but so did namjoon.

the two never kept any secrets from each other, but he felt it was for the best that he kept this one.

and in the end, namjoon did also keep something from him as well.

the fact that he had leukaemia, the fact that he was dying, bit by bit.

and once he did, memories started to play at the back of his mind. from ever since they were eleven years old, that day where namjoon found him on the porch was the day that symbolized their brotherhood.

and now, half of it was gone.

and he couldn't get it back.

and after it happened, he felt a part of himself die with him.

jungkook felt lonely, but he knew that he had ha-na by his side, but soon...

she left him too.

he was alone again.

and it's been like that for the past six years.
he's been lonely.

he became a shard of glass from a vase, the last piece that was lost when all the other pieces were put together but he fell on the carpet of the living room floor and was never found.

that's how he usually tends to describe himself now.

he lost contact with everyone that he cares about, and who cared about him.

the only person he still kept in touch with from time to time was none other than, kim taehyung. namjoon's little brother.

he felt that the only one who could feel the same sense of pain was him, considering that he and namjoon were brothers by blood, but he still felt lonely.

he had a stable job, but he was no longer able to enjoy it.

not without the one person who he truly cared about by his side.

he grew up into a wonderful human being, but he was so closed off to the world, everyone was beckoning to know what happened to such a precious soul who's beautiful bunny smile never reached his eyes anymore.

he was so polite with strangers, such a kind person, he would do anything to help someone. but when something triggered him, he transformed into something he never wanted to become.

a dark, loathsome being with an even darker past and persona that one could never be able to imagine.

but someone changed that.

he worked at a cafe in seoul, that did have a good pay, but he hoped that he would soon be able to ask for a raise from his employer.

and one day while he was working the cash register, someone walked into the cafe.

"wow, she's..... beautiful," he thought to himself.

and when she ordered his favourite drink with such a soft and velvety voice that sent his heart into a frenzy, while his back felt shivers go down his spine, he felt something he hasn't been able to feel in a long time.

he felt love.


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