Chapter 6: The Concert

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beep beep beep beep beep....

ughh what is that annoying sound, someone turn it off!

I hear a groan from across the room before a slamming sound which seems to silence whatever that was. 


"Guys, its 5am we need to get up now. We have to get ready to go." 

I let out a moan before trying to move off of my back to stuff my face in the pillow but instead i feel a weight on my chest which stops me from doing so. I slowly blink open my tired eyes to see a still sleeping jimin. His head is using my chest as a pillow while his arm is slouched over me curling into my side. 

My arm is also wrapped around his torso which must have happened in my sleep. 

I smile at how cute Jimin looks with his cheek puffed against my chest and mouth slightly open. 

Someone clears their throat suddenly reminding me that someone else was here and apparently trying to wake us up.

I look over to Hoseok who is giving me a very tired but very expressive knowing look. 

"what?" i groan as i slowly try to unravel myself from jimin. "Why do you always give me that look, its annoying." 

Im definitely not a morning person and the members know it, so i hope Hoseok doesn't piss me off right now.

"What look? Im simply looking at you normally." He pauses to watch my careful movements so as not to wake up jimin. "Stop being so gentle he needs to wake up too. He is the one that takes the longest to get ready so actually he should be up by now." 

"ugh why did you have to use such an annoying sounding alarm, couldn't you have set it as a song or something?" 

"No, an annoying alarm is more likely to get me to get up to turn it off." He then taps his phone screen a couple times before the alarm proceed to start yet again.

beep...beeep...beeeep... beep-

I glare at him but he just motions to the sleeping jimin who groans and rolls over towards me, "Make it stop." he says before wrapping his arm around me to pull me into him. 

"Jimin-ah wake up, we have to get up and get ready." I say softly.

Hoseok rolls his eyes and sets his beeping phone down on the dresser before leaving the room. 

"This feels weird Jimin, arent i suppose to be the one who is sleeping while you try to wake me up?" 

I hear a sigh before he finally starts to open his eyes and look up to me, "i had a dream that you left bts to be a solo rapper." he frowns, "you left us yoongi." he tightens his grip on me and snuggles into me even more. 

"i would never, and could never leave you and the other members. You know that right?" 

He nods into my chest before starting to get up slowly, "What is that beeping sound?" He asks while scratching his chest sleepily. 

"Ugh, thats jhopes alarm, i guess he figured he would leave it on for us until one of us got up and turned it off." 

Jimin sighed, hopped off of the bed and turned off the alarm before spinning back to face me, "Concert day." He smiles, "Are you ready sugaaaa?" 

All past sleepiness seems to have disappeared, he is now glowing and skipping around the bed to pick out some clothes.  

"I have a good feeling about the concert today! All past nerves are gone, i think having a great sleep last night helped me!" He says excitedly, a small blush appears on his cheeks after.

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