Chapter 15: The talk

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*Third person pov*

"So jungkook... do you think i could talk to you for a few minutes in private?" Jin asks, he is noticeably nervous but is trying to hide it.

Jungkook looks at him with wide eyes, he glances at Tae who is standing beside him, "Sure, can Taehyung come too?" 

Tae hears his name and perks up, "hmm, what? come where?"

Jin smiles slightly at Tae before answering Jungkook, "of course." 

A confused Tae is then dragged along with Jungkook who follows jin down the hall of their dorm. 

Jin leads them into Jungkook's room since he is the only one without a roommate. He wants as much privacy as possible. 

Jin motions for them to sit on the bed while he pulls a chair closer for himself. The two boys sit awkwardly on the edge of the bed while giving each other nervous glances. 

They both desperately want to hold each others hand for comfort but for obvious reasons they restrain themselves. 

"So i know you both think im some homophobic dickwad but im really not." He pauses to think of how to word his thoughts, "Jungkook, ive been informed that you were really hurt by everything i have said and done. Im so sorry that i hurt you. As your hyung i should be someone you look up to not someone who hurts you." 

Jungkook looks at his hyung with tears in his eyes, he is about to say something when Jin continues, "I just had a talk with yoongi, he helped me alot to figure out my feelings and kind of let all of my past problems out because i had been bottling them up for so long. They effected me to the point where i was being horrible to yoongi just because he liked guys which was wrong of me. I never even cared that he was gay, i was just dealing with my own worries and it caused me to react horribly. I should be supporting all of you no matter what, and i do. So to both of you, im sorry for everything and i hope you can forgive me. Im sure that seeing me be so horrible to one of the other members really effected you guys so im really sorry." 

"So you dont hate yoongi for being gay?" Tae asks. 

Jin sighs, "of course not. I had a friend way back when who was gay and long story short no matter how much i supported him, the hate from the world killed him. Because of that experience..... it was just hard to be supportive because i was scared of that happening to yoongi. I didnt want him to be gay, or i guess i didnt want him to tell people he was gay. Which made me just as bad as everyone else who had hurt my friend." 

Jungkook instinctively grabs Tae's hand when hearing what happened to Jins friend. He needed to feel him, make sure he was still beside him. It made him terrified of the world, of what people can do. 

Jin looks at their entwined hands and smiles, "Im glad you guys have eachother." When he says this he means as friends but Tae didnt take it that way.

"Wait, you know!?" 

Jungkook's eyes widen and he snaps his head over to look at Tae, "no, he meant as friends!" He whisper yells.

"ohhhhh, my bad." he gives his best box smile to jungkook who melts at the sight of it.

Jin looks between them with confusion until everything seems to click and his eyes widen, "Wait so are you two together? As in dating each other? As in gay?" 

Jungkook smacks Tae's arm, "look what you did."

Tae pouts and holds his arm in pain, "i didnt mean to."

Jungkook sighs, "yeah, im bisexual and Tae is jungkooksexual." 

Tae rolls his eyes, "im gay but yes if you must know ive only ever had eyes for jungkook."

Jin looks at them sadly, "i must have hurt both of you so much when i reacted badly to yoongi coming out." 

"Actually that night he came out, he only did it because he knew we were planning to announce our relationship and he didnt want you to freak out at us so he... y'know thought it would be better for you to only hate him." Jungkook explains which makes jin feel even worse. 

His face falls even more and he looks down to his hands, "im such a terrible hyung, that was a huge thing for yoongi to do and a huge thing for you guys to announce and it all went to hell because of me. I love you guys and i love yoongi and all the other members too. I do support all of you no matter what your sexuality is, okay? Though i am scared for the world to know one day but as long as we have eachother, we should be okay. I need you two to promise me that no matter what- if your struggling, come to me and dont ever resort to hurting yourselves okay?"

They both nod.

"thank you." Tae says.

"a-and you too hyung! if you ever need to talk or anything all of the members are here for you. ive found yoongi to be really good to talk to." 

Jin smiles. 

Tae could still feel a bit of awkwardness so he raked his brain trying to find something to say, "a-ha! So jin, knock knock."

Jin lets out a breath and smirks, "Who's there?"

"little old lady."

"little old lady who?"

Tae gasps and smiles, "hyung! i didnt know you could yodal!!"

Jungkook looks confused for a second but soon shakes his head at his boyfriend, "that was lame!"

Jin laughs while Tae hits jungkooks shoulder, "okay okay listen to this one! So, why didn't the life guard save he hippie?"

"i dont know" Jungkook says while rolling his eyes.

"Because he was too far out!" Jin says while laughing, "i saw that one online!" 

Tae smiles even bigger, "oh really!? Okay you say one."

The three of them continue making jokes and talking until eventually they all fall asleep. The tension is now completely gone.


Thanks for reading! This is just a little extra chapter so you can see how Jins talk went with them! Next chapter will get back to yoonmin! 

Also, Epiphany came out yesterday!! Jin did an amazing job! 

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