An exciting beginning

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And here you were. Standing right in front of a furious John Wick, and an enraged Thanos. John Wick had an SMG in his hand, and Thanos had the Space, Reality, and Soul stones. They prepared to attack, despite your pleads. This was what they needed to do. They had to earn your love. They launched at each other, ready to kill...


This was the day. It was finally the day! You were ready to graduate from xXNormieXx High School. Plus, tomorrow was your birthday! You were so pumped. You got dressed after fapping to Tsuyu, and headed downstairs for breakfast. Your dad was their, frying an egg while smoking seventeen and a half cigarettes as always.

"Hey dad!" you said to him.

"Oh, hi Y/N." he replied.

You stared at the eggs, juicy with yolk.

"Are those for me?" you asked while playing tennis with Jacksfilms.

"NO." your dad yelled. He was known throughout the state for being protective of his breakfast. It was a very cool personality trait, and you were always admiring the way he carried a brick wall in the morning to separate your breakfast from his.

"What'd you made for me?" you asked him.

He stared off into the distance, most likely having existential crisis.

"Damn it, I did it again," he said, recovering. "I got you an omelet from Omelet Garden."

He knew you so well. Omelet Garden was the kind of restaurant that always left you wanting more. They always made the best food. Even when it wasn't food, it was still delicious.

"Thanks dad!" you said, scarfing down your lasagna omelet.

After finishing your breakfast, you got your backpack and chromebook and headed to the bus stop. The bus got there soon enough, so you got on and didn't talk to anyone. You didn't have any friends that rode your bus. In fact, all of the children were 4th graders because you rode the Magic School Bus. When you got to school, you walked around until you found some of your friends. F/N and Hi-Five were at the library, trying to convince the librarian to let them check out 2 copies of Crack Making For Dummies.

"Come on! We won't kill ourselves!" Hi-Five pleaded.

"No plutonium." said the librarian.

"Yes, of course we know! It'll be fine don't worry!" he replied, reassuringly.

"Potassium." replied the librarian.

"Thank you so much!" replied F/N.

They walked out, heads high carrying their books. They had successfully tricked the librarian into thinking there was a way they could return the books. Now they could make cocaine for life.

"He really is dumb." you said to them.

They laughed and you guys started talking about how Murdock was the least interesting member of Gorillaz and how it doesn't even matter that he left. You brought up how you should comment below who you want in the story and whether or not there should be smut. You guys then headed to your classes, excited for 3rd hour when you would have the graduation assembly. You had Art for 1st hour, and you got to do free drawing. Mrs. Soranno was the best art teacher. You drew a picture of a SCAR even though it isn't your favourite gun from Fortnite. Mrs. Soranno praised your work. She was very happy with the Greek markings. What a silly teacher. Up next you had Science with Jon Arbuckle. It was like any other day, except you looked at loss memes the entire time. Then, it was finally time for the assembly in the cafeteria. Little did you know, this was going to be one of the most important moments in your entire life. This is where the story of finding your true love begins.

LOVE ME PLEASE - Thanos vs. John Wick x readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя