Unexpected surprises

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You sat in the folding chairs in the auditorium when you arrived. You literally sat on all of the chairs. Hi-Five and Tree-Pose sat next to you. After everyone arrived, the assembly started. The principal, xXNormieDestroyerXx went up onto the stage with a microphone. He generously threw lasagna into the crowd. The talking died down as the peach began.

"Ladies and gentleman, and Palutena, and Captain Falcon, and dado,"

The the librarian cheered a little at this statement, looking very potassium.

"You are gathered here today to play 100 Falco dittos in rapid succession."

Everyone proceeded to play 100 Falco dittos in rapid succession, except for the librarian, who had 57820.3 kilograms of bananas in his stomach.

"Wonderfully done. Now I would like to congratulate you all for getting through school. Of course, you aren't completely done yet, but you completed real school. It was hard. You had lots of big tests. Lots of studying. Lots of vores. But you made it to the end."

The principal then played the entirety of Hollow Knight from beginning to end.

"You have all grown so much. And you've worked so hard to get here. And trust me when I say this, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE LASAGNA. Almost as much as I love to vore people. Now I will finish talking. But, we have a special guest who would like to say a few words."

Suddenly, Furvius walked up to the stage to make a speech. The students applauded like it was the last time the could. He looked flustered as he walked up. When he got up, he began his speech.

"We all know that there are wonderful things in life. I won the shorty award for youtuber of the year. That was pretty awesome. But one of the greatest accomplishments of all, is finishing school. I wouldn't be where I am today if I was still in school. You have all earned this, and everyone is very proud of you. Except for Jenna Marbles and her garbage dogs. They don't care about anyone."

The crowd cheered respectively.

"Now, if would please watch a quick presentation."

Garfield: A Tail Of Two Kitties played on the giant TV. It was a really big TV. Then, the principal walked back up to the stage.

"Thank you very much. But, I'm afraid this isn't the end yet. We have the award ceremony."

Wait, what? Award ceremony? They never said there was going to be an award ceremony. Nonetheless, you were still excited. What if you won something? Little did you know, you were about to win something BIG. Far bigger than any of the surprises from the assembly...

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