Awarded for nothing xd

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Heres it was. The award ceremony. Were you going to win something? Why didn't they tell everyone about this? What was the point of a surprise? You were sure some people had plans afterwards, so this would interfere. Your friends inched closer to the delicious 0100110001100001011100110110000101100111011011100110000100001101 in front of them. They were practically spiderman. 

"Ayo where my eel at?" screamed Russel, who was spiderman.

"You guys," you said to your friends, who were drooling. "You weren't told about this right? I mean, I didn't hear anything, and there's already been some unexpected surprises today."

They were very lagner. Hi-Five was looking pretty cheesy. Suddenly, spiderman.

"Ayo sup bs" he said. "Ya'll ready for the award ceremony." 



"The first award is the, most awarded award. This goes one xd"

 You were pratically spiderman. you were really worryed that you weren't going to win something. This was a pretty big thing, even though you weren't somposed to know about it. Spiderman looked offended, and very blue. 

"Now, for the next award, because we dont want you to be able to commemorate anyone." The princale states. "The best oneshots of wattpad goes to..."

 You tence up, just hearing the name of that god forsaken website. 

"Please dont make me go back there!!" Hi-five screams, shaking intensely. 

"Foxythebest12345!!!!"He screams, and the crowd stays silent. No-one even knew who he was. He dint even go up, because he dint know who he was. 

"For our Most Likely to Spell ICUP Award, we have AllMoiLoife!" 

Nobody came up, but you could hear a voice from outside. "I will kick you in the pelvis," he screams, and the entire crowd shudders in fear. 

"Most likely to hurt himself/herself goes to, agian, foxythebest12345" 

Wet slapping noises fill the room, and someone screams "GeT eR dOnE!1!!!" This was followed by multiple copies of the same person going up to grab the award. These people obviously weren't the real foxythebest12345. 

"Ugh, fakes." you said. 

"The next award is Most Likely to Destroy Carthage. This goes to...SCP-2513!!!!"

No one went up, but a bridge randomly happened to appear in the room after the name was announced.

"Now, this is a pretty special award. Most Likely To Say Bokeh goes to..." 

You tensed up hearing this. You know that you were pretty likely to get this one. You crossed your fingers, hoping for the best.

"...Dapper Luigi!"

A Power Moon clipped through the stage, moving in an endless line while Smooth Criminal played. It was very enlightening.

"And the next award is the Most Despacito award. This will go to...Hi-Five!!111!!!!!1"

Everyone stabbed themselves as they cheered. You forgot he was your friend for a little bit, but after you stabbed yourself, you remembered that Russ was still trapped in the void. Hi-Five went up, looking like he was a vacuum. Very succ.

"Yes but the Despacito: Animated Special is the best one." You said to him as he went back down. Very succ. 

"Yes, I agree but the sequel to it was trash." he replied. He was right. It was definitely one of the worst Despacitos.

"Next we have the Best At Saxophone award. This will go to..." They paused.

"Why are they waiting?" you thought. You were sure that F/N would win. They loved the saxophone.

"...F/N!" said the principal. There it was.

F/N went up to accept the award, then came back down.

"That pause was kinda weird." You said to them. F/N looked at you funny. 

"What do you mean?" They asked.

"They just paused in the middle of it." You said.

F/N shook their head. Weird.

"And the next one," continued the principal, "Will go to Josh Pratt for the Most Disliked award!"

Disgust filled the crowd as Josh walked onto the stage tposing and screaming "yeet". It's like he was a devil sent to Earth to torture the puny mortals of this planet. People started throwing machetes at him. All he said was, "I am god." Pathological lying.

"The Most Eel award goes to...Russ!!1!1!1" yelled the principal, looking berd as ever.

No one went up. It appeared that Russ was not there at the moment. Maybe he was trapped in the void.

"The Most Likely To Crush Someone's Dreams goes to...Tomtordistrash!!"


That was your senpai. She crushed your dreams when she didn't promote your story. fuck her.

She went up to accept the award, eating a cheesy omelet x reader fanfic that she made. It probably had a ton of views already.

"Now for the Most No award. This goes to No."


"Now we have PixelBoi for the Most Likely To Give Themselves An Award award! Congratulation to you!11!"

He went up and T-Posed. But, he didn't really exist. He was just a figment of everyone's imagination. He was still able to accept the reward though. Maybe it was to stretch out his newest chapter in his wattpad story becuase he promised a longer chapter and wants it to be moderately long so he's rambling to make the story longer. Maybe that's what it was or maybe you were just imagining things. Your thoughts were interuppted by the principal announcing the next award.

"Now this happens to be a very special award. It's also the last one we will be giving out today."

You grow worried. What if you didn't win anything? Why did you want to win something? These awards weren't even important. Hold on. Was PixelBoi doing that thing where he stretches out his story with random thoughts again and making the sentences longer as well as adding larger words to his n o v e l. Yeah, you were pretty sure that he was doing that thing again to add at least a few more lines.

"Now we have...F/N L/N for Most Loved-"

You rushed up to the stage playing Despacito 4. The principal didn't even appear done with his sentence. Alan was playing stupid games. Josh was being stabbed. PixelBoi was stretching out his chapter again to add at least one more line which was probably getting annoying to read by then. How did you win this? You didn't know. You didn't care. You grabbed the award and-

As soon as you touched it the room went dark. In fact, it was gone. Despacito faded out until you couldn't hear it anymore. You tried to move, but realized that you were frozen in place. You were terrified. Suddenly, you hear a voice that sends a chill down your spin.

"F/N L/N." It said, "You have been witness to a mistake that will change the coarse of your future. Within the award you have grasped lies power that was meant to be used in ways that would change the world. You have somehow been able to disable it's plan. However, this comes with a price. You will be given this immense power in the form of this award. You have now been given the Soul Stone."

Suddenly, you were back in the school. But, you were outside of the Grocery Room where they had the graduation party. People were walking out like it just ended. You tried to remember what just happened, but your head went fuzzy. Soon, you could only remember the award ceremony. What were you thinking of again? You couldn't remember.

W h a t t h e f u c c xd

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2018 ⏰

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