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When we got to Tortuga, Jack told the crew to do what they want, while he took me to get my clothes. He led me straight to the dress shop, and I started looking around. Jack followed me, touching everything. I eventually just grabbed a couple of skirts and shirts and handed them to him. "Get another corset too, love."

"None of them lace in the front."

"I'll lace you up every day then." I sighed, looking at the corsets and finding one in my size. "I'll get these then we can go get some drinks."

"Alright," I laughed, kissing his cheek, "I'll be outside."

"Don't go too far." I nodded leaving the shops. It was surprisingly quiet, on this part of the port. That was until there was a group of men chasing a small boy. The boy saw me and ran towards me, hiding behind my skirt.

"Step away," one of the men said, raising his sword.

"What did he do?" I asked.

"He stole from me shop." I looked down at the child, who had some fruit in his hand.

"That it?"


"How much?"

"It's all there, now step away from him, lady."

"How much for the food?" I clarified. "I'll pay for it if you'll leave him alone." I held the boy, protectively.

"A night."

"Excuse me?"

"A night with you in exchange for the food."

"You think of me as a whore," I stated then smirked, "stay here," I told the boy my voice low, "my husband will be out in a minute." I moved towards the man, as he put his sword away. I pulled out my sword, holding it to his throat. "I offered to pay with gold," I said, "yet you'd rather have my body. Now you can leave and never speak of this, or I'll have your head. Your choice." I smiled sweetly at the end.

"You're bluffing," he said.

"Am I?" I asked. There was fear in his eyes, and he and his men ran off. I put my sword away, and turned back to the boy, and now Jack.

"Do I want to know?" Jack asked me.

"Probably not," I replied, crouching down in front of the boy. "Where are your parents?" I asked.

"Gone," he replied, "me mum kicked me out last week." He started crying and I wrapped my arms around him.

"Shh," I whispered. I looked up at Jack. He shook his head. "But you promised you'd figure out something," I said, "are you going back on your word?"

"We can't exactly take him into a bar," Jack said.

"I don't think I'll be allowed in a bar, I did just threaten a shopkeepers life." Jack sighed but nodded. "Would you like to live with us?" I asked. The boy was silent for a minute then I felt him nod. "Do you have a name?"

"Phillip," he whispered.

"Well, then Phillip, my name's Amandah, and that's Captain Jack Sparrow. I think you're too big for me to carry, are you feeling better?"

"Yes." I stood up taking Phillip's hand. Jack lead us back to the Pearl.

"Jack," I whispered, "I'm sorry about our plans."

"It's alright, love. Maybe we can do something when he falls asleep to make up for it."

"I think that could be arranged. You are okay with this, right?"

"Aye, if it'll make you happy, but I do want to know what happened. You did have a reason for threatening someone's life, didn't you?"

"More than one," I replied, "Do you think you could get some of that wine I like?"

"I can see if I can find it." I grinned, kissing his cheek. We arrived at the ship, and I took my box from Jack, and he opened the door for us. "I'll be back soon," he told me.

"I'll be here." Phillip held onto my skirt. "What's wrong?"

"He doesn't like me very much, does he?"

"He's just not used to children," I replied, "How old are you?"

"Six." He sat on the bed. I started putting my clothes in my trunk. "Will I have to work?"

"Eventually, but Jack won't put you to work for at least a few years." I sat on the bed across from him. "Have you been sailing before?"

"No." I got a washcloth for his hands.

"We'll have a bucket for you if you get seasick."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. How are you feeling?"

"You won't leave me, right?"

"I promise." He hugged me, and I kissed his head. "I'll take care of you," I whispered.


An hour later, Jack got back to the ship, putting the bottles under the stairs. He knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. When no one answered, he walked in, finding Amandah passed out with the boy in her arms, also asleep. Jack covered them up and frowned, going back outside.

Jack Sparrow Love Story Book 5Where stories live. Discover now