Epilogue P2

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I opened my eyes, finding myself on the Black Pearl. "What?" I whispered, finding my voice no longer old.

"Amandah?" I heard Jack's voice say. I turned around finding him exactly how he looked when we met.

"Jack," I breathed. He came towards me, engulfing me in a hug. "You're young again," I whispered, holding tightly to him.

"Your one to talk," he replied, taking my hand and leading me into our room, and stood me in front of the mirror. "See, twenty-five again." I smiled, looking up at him.

"Where exactly am I?" I asked, "I mean, I know I've died, but this wasn't what I expected."

"I haven't figured it out yet, but there's rum, and my ship, and now my wife." I grinned, hugging him. "It's not like in a dream though, I've tried to get your clothes off a few times." I laughed, smacking his arm. "How was Phillip?"

"He's going to bury our book," I whispered, "I sent him inside to get some rum before I left. I didn't want him to see me go."

"You finished writing the book?"

"Yes, and I signed it Sparrow. Just like you asked. It doesn't even feel like we're dead."

"You did die of natural causes, right?"

"Yes. I was supposed to die of a broken heart, a few weeks after you, but I made a deal, so I could finish writing the book. I needed to finish it." He looked down at me, and all I saw was love in his eyes. "Say it," I whispered, "please."

"I love you, my treasure." I kissed him, gripping onto his hair.

"I love you too, my pirate." He sat on the bed holding me in his lap. "Are you still wanting my clothes off?" I laughed, though my voice cracked.

"I just want to hold you," he said, "I didn't get to comfort you when I died, now I can."

"You did comfort me, though." Jack looked at me. "I read what you wrote in the book, and I wore your coat till the end. It kinda felt like you were there, holding me for four months." He chuckled, kissing my head.

"Glad my clothes helped."

"Did I ever tell you, what happened the morning that we met?"

"I don't think so."

"Lizzy and I were talking, about how I refused every marriage offer, and I jokingly said, 'romance with a pirate.' Don't you think it's a bit ironic that we met not even an hour later."

"Sounds like you saw me in a dream."

"Maybe," I laughed.

"What would have happened had I not been there to save you?"

"I have no idea, but I wouldn't trade our meeting for anything."

"How come?"

"Because I fell for you, Captain Jack Sparrow," I pressed my lips to his, wrapping my arms around his neck.

~~~THE END~~~

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