Chapter 1

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Y/N - Your Name
F/C - Favourite Colour/Favourite Car
F/C/S - First Colour Scheme
S/C/S - Second Colour Scheme

*Your POV*

Ever woke up somewhere different?
Like new planet different.

Well i have, My names Y/N, my colour scheme is F/C/S and S/C/S, i am an Autobot, i was an elite guard member, i led a group of 3 other Femmes, during a per suit my other members were t-boned by a decepticon semi. They didn't survive which left me heartbroken since they were my best-friends.

Anyways back to this new planet...
Coming out of my stasis pod was weird,
I was stepping on some weird green material, surrounded by these very tall green plants. Looking around I notice theres these weird coloured,thin,petal things, I step closer to inspect, soon realizing they are probably decoration for something.

After spacing out I start walking deeper into this wildlife. After finding a clearing I transform in a F/C and drive to stretch a bit. About 3 minutes later I transform back into my bi pedal form and sit down, to just take in the beauty.

I soon start to hear a snapping sound coming from the behind a green blob, I saw a animal of some sort come out of it, it was brown had a bushy tail and had these big huge ears. I wander back into the wilderness and just space out looking back into how I got here.

*Flash Back*

I was zooming in and out of traffic trying to get a decepticon named Aftershock, he was wanted for many things including: Murder,Stealing and Sexual assault. Weaving in and through red lights gets tiring but he was wanted for so much I couldn't let him escape, I called backup just incase, we finally had him cornered. With a lot of struggle and fighting we stasis cuffed him and took him back to Prison, I soon got com linked and told I was needed to go to some strange planet called earth because the biggest and most dangerous ship the alchemor had crashed into earth letting the Most wanted criminals loose.

*Present Time*

After remembering why I was here I had to go find The Alchemor.

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