Chapter 3

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Sideswipes POV

Wow I cant believe she actually followed me, I said to myself, well actually who wouldn't I am pretty hot. I couldn't help but sneak small glances at her, I mean the way her F/C/S and S/C/S just blend together and the way her curves look...Snap out of it I told myself, the base isn't too far away from here so the drive should only be about 10-5 mins. I just remembered that I have to face Strongarm because she will say "U cAn'T jUsT rUn OfF liKe ThAt, It PuTs OuR SeCrEt At JeOpArDy!", man sometimes I feel like my audio receptors are gonna fall off


I don't know why I followed him,
He seems kinda idk, trustful but not trustful at the same time. Eh who knows maybe i will get captured by this "sideswipe guy",

Time Skip)

I arrived at this scrapyard looking area, good cause if i get captured i can easily escape since the walls aren't that high. I transformed outta my F/C form, "Hey whos she??" I heard a voice say from behind me. "Strongarm this is Y/N, Y/N this is Strongarm " Sideswipe said, i held out my hand to shake since I'm so nice....., she shook it but seemed suspicious, i mean who wouldn't you see this random cybertronian in your base, "Sideswipe I'm gonna have to get Bumblebee" Strongarm said, She walked off to another part of the scrap yard, "Soooo whos Bumblebee???" I said, "he's are leader" said sideswipe" i just nodded my head

As soon as i nodded a black and yellow mech came out, "Sideswipe whos this?", "Bumblebee this is Y/N and Y/N this is Bumblebee our leader", he held out his hand which i shook, "Well Y/N welcome to the scrap yard"

(OOOFFFF what a ending, sorry for not uploading, BUT, i did and here it is 🤣)

A Red Lamborghini? (TFRID 15 Sideswipe x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now