Chapter 5

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omg i haven't updated this book in so long and i feel like another chapter is due 😂, im really sorry i fell out of the fandom for like a year and a half but over quarantine i rewatched rescue bots and tfp and realised "oh shit im into this again and im almost 15 years old" but anyways heres another chapter


"Hey sideswipe, why are you on earth?" I asked. He seemed to be taken back by my question but answered "I was screwing around, Bee and Strongarm tried to arrest me, mostly Strongarm, then Bee started to say he was seeing Optimus in the water reflection which lead us to find a space-bridge in the history museum which I personally hacked. After hacking Bee told Strongarm to take me to get debriefed at the station but didn't and took me through the space-bridge and said "The punk, "forgot" all about him". Bee then cut the cuffs and told me to go back but I was thinking screw this im on a different planet with no law enforcement and ran away" he replied, out of breath.

"So you're telling me you weren't supposed to be here and just got caught up?" I replied. "Basically" he responded.
Sitting there still and after comprehending his story I decided we should head back so we don't get yelled at.
"Hey Sideswipe we should head back, y'know so we don't get yelled at" I told him while mocking Bee. "Oh yeah because that would be awwwwfuuulllll" he replied in sarcasm.
I got up giggling and transformed into my alt and waited for Sideswipe before driving back to base.

*Timeskip to base*

Sideswipe and I arrived back at base to see everyone doing their own thing. We waited for a bit to see if any decepticon activity came up and after awhile of nothing we agreed to setup a prank on the unfortunate bot who goes walking in on this aisle. It was perfect, a trip wire with a whole bucket of glue and when they stumble forwards a bit, another whole tub of glitter should come down.
This was going to be a heck of a prank, and most very likely funny to us but maybe not to the poor bot.

*Sideswipe POV*

We have been hiding under a pile of junk in the aisle over, great right?,there is a spot between the shelf where you can see the trap. After waiting awhile we heard the pede steps of a bot coming down this aisle.
"Sideswipe?, Y/N?" The bot asked
"Omg thats Bee!, we have to stop him or else we will be put on patrol for weeks!" Y/N said. Right as I was about to yell at Bee we heard the trap set off.
"Oooo.." we both cringed, followed by another trap setting off, "Owww.." we cringed again.

"SIDESWIPE!!! Y/N!!!!!" Bee screamed.

Needless to say we didn't stick around much longer to hear the rest, we fled the scene as soon as he said that. Running to the other side of the scrap-yard and ducking between junk we deemed ourselves safe for now.
"HOLY FRAG" Y/N said, "Holy frag is right" I replied out of breath.
"We need to stay hidden for awhile or else we are dead, no extra patrols, no duties, just dead" Y/N replies shaking.
"Maybe we should try to recharge it off?" I asked.
"Yeah, that would be smart" she replied still skeptical about where Bee could be. We moved to get more comfortable which ended up with Y/N's helm on my shoulder and my arm around her waist.
"Goodnight Sideswipe" Y/N said yawning
"Goodnight Y/N" I replied back already half asleep

???? POV

I looked at the pede marks left at this god forsaken lake, on this stupid planet. "I don't know if you're a con or a autobot but whoever you are, im going to find you"

A Red Lamborghini? (TFRID 15 Sideswipe x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now