Chapter 2

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*Your POV*

I had to find the Alchemor, if i don't find the alchemor this planet will be having to deal with big robotic alien beings that transform. I transform and try to locate the signal but as figures there is no signal. I soon start speeding down a dirt road out of the clearing i was in. Im going so fast that even Blurr would be surprised. Everything is just a blur to be exact, i just keep going until i see a red Lamborghini come into view.

*Sideswipes POV*

"I fragging hate Strongarm!" I say out loud while driving down a dirt road, to be honest i don't really care if she hears me. All she cares about is Rules, and more rules. She pinpoints me out on the most simplest things, like today i wasn't falling correctly doing trust exercises and she never caught me.
My aft hurts like a scraplet is eating at me. Damn i just need to pull over for a sec and clear my processor. Im there for a good 5 mins until i see a F/C/S and S/C/S F/C. Its probably just a human.

*Your POV*
I pull up to the Lamborghini to see if it was a life-form from this planet or a Autobot or Deception. I pull up my signal scanner and see theres a blue dot on the screen right where the car is."I know your Cybertronian" i whisper. I think it startled him just by the way the car jerked. Since we are in the middle of nowhere and on a dirt road i decide to transform.

As so as i transformer he transforms
"Designation?" I ask. "Sideswipe and you are?" He says. I don't know if he's an autobot so i search to see if he has a symbol, sure enough he does!, An autobot great! Maybe he can help me find the Alchemor, i realize i zoned out for a bit. "Sorry the names Y/N i zoned out". "No worries, you got a base?" He says, "No i dont, i just got here a little while ago" i say. "Cool i have a base im pretty sure you can stay, Bee should be cool about it, we have alot of info about the Alchemor, infact we have a minibot who worked on it" he says "Great do you wanna go there know?" I say. "Yea that would be great" he says. We both transform and drive off to the base

Hey guys never really got to introduce myself!, Im Katie and i am your writer, i update about 1 a week and i love transformers, sorry for the delay i have been doing school work😩, my school dosent end till the 27th so i will be updating alot after, anyways hope you guys have fun reading bye❤️

A Red Lamborghini? (TFRID 15 Sideswipe x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now