Chapter 5

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***So chapter five of You’re Mine and Only Mine. So I hope you like the book so far, because I enjoy writing it. Please vote and comment on it.

So the picture on the side is what I think Jordan looks like, yeah I know its Zac Efron.

Hope you like the story.            

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 ***Jordan’s Pov***

I couldn’t go to sleep last night; all I could think about was Angel. How could Angel be my mate if I have Taylor who already told all the girls that I’m her mate?

                I got up since I had to ask Angel about taking her around town. Her mother wasn’t even home, since she came to the pack house to see if she could be an extra pack nurse. She’s been the pack nurse even before she moved here. She is such a good nurse that we send her off to Europe for a month to be tested by Pack law to see if she really is ready.

                I went to get my phone to call Angel to see if she wants to go around town with me since I was going to keep an eye on her while her mom is in Europe for a month.  I dial the number that Roy gave me.

There was ringing on the other side. I was about to hang up until I heard a half-asleep, “Hello, who’s this and how did you get my number?”That was the first thing she said when she answered the phone.

                “Angel calm down, it’s not like I’m going to go and kidnap you," I tried so hard not to laugh but I ended laughing anyways

 “Umm…who is this?” I forgot that she didn’t know I was calling her.

                “It’s me Angel, it’s Jordan.” Now I was hoping she remembered me.

                “How did you get my number?”Yep she remembered me. When she asked that she sounded kind of harsh but I would to if someone was calling me without me giving them my number.               

I was going to say that I asked Summer, but I couldn’t lie to her. Just knowing that I got her upset or that I would lie to her het me angry. “I asked Roy if he could give it to me, we need to talk. Can I come pick you up?”

                “Let me guess Roy gave you my address to.” I chuckled at that.  

                “Umm…yeah, so I’ll go pick you up in half an hour.”

                “Yeah, but what about school?”  good thing I already got that covered.

                 “Don’t worry I’ve got that covered. I got Aaron and Alex to tell the principal an excuse. So what do you say, half an hour?”

                “Okay fine in a half an hour, but I have to ask you a question.”

                “Ok then what would that be?” I thought I was going to be a really important question.

                “Why did you have to call so early?” I was laughing after she said that

                “Early? It’s like half an hour before school starts.” I said still laughing.

                “WHAT! I must have overslept, thanks for waking me up.” I laughed even harder

                “It’s okay everyone does it once in a while. I’ll see you in half an hour. Bye Angel.”

                “Bye Jordan.”  Was all I heard before she hung up.

                After I hung up I went down stairs to shower and change.

                When I was done and on my way to Angel’s house it was 8:45. All I was thinking is, how am I going to tell her that we are mates? Is she going to want me? Will she understand? By the time I reached Angel’s house it was exactly 9. I went up the stairs and knocked.

                                                                                ***Angel’s Pov***

                 I went to answer the door without asking who it was, because I knew it was Jordan to come pick me up. I opened the door and there was Jordan. He looks like he just went through closet and picked out the first thing he found. No matter what he wears he always looks like the most gorgeous guy I have ever seen.

                “Hey Angel, ready to go?” he smiled a breath-taking smile.

                “Y-yeah I’m ready. I just have to find the key since my mom won’t be back.” I said while looking through drawers and counters

                “Yeah she won’t be back for a whole month; by the way the key is in the key hanger.”

                “Thanks. Wait how you knew that my mom was gone for a whole month and where the keys were at?” how did he know about that, I wonder if he knows about how the Alpha has to check on me every once in awhile?

                “Well since she wanted to be pack doctor of o-my pack then she has to go see Pack Law in Europe for a whole month. She also told me that you always seem to forget that the keys are always hanging on the wall,  so she told me where they were. She also asked me to keep an eye on you while she’s gone.”       

                “So you’re the Alpha of the Moonlight Moon pack?”

                “Yeah, since you and your mom moved here as rouges, she knew what happens to rouges that cross other packs land. She came to me to ask permission to be in the pack. She said that she could be the Pack Doctor, since we have such a large pack the more pack doctors the better.”

                “Really, you excepted us in your pack?” I asked I was trying to hold back to run and give him a hug.

                “Well yeah, it’s just tha-that, we really need to talk about something important. That’s why I wanted to take you around town, or we could go to the pack house to see how it is. You can visit any time you want..”

                “Yeah, that’s a good place to start.”

                Jordan went to open the house door; I think it’s cute when he tries to act like a gentleman.

                 The pack house is south where I live. It took 15 minutes to get there. The car ride was = quiet and uncomfortable.  When we got to the pack house you would have thought that it was a boarding school instead.

                “Yo-You live here? Wow it’s so huge.” I was so stunned

                “Well, only the guys live here the girls live in their own houses near the pack house. You want to go in?”

                “Sure that would be awesome.” I could hear him chuckle but, hey wouldn’t you want to go inside a giant house were only guys live. He held open the door for me again so we could go inside. The inside is more outstanding than the outside. The living room has a huge flat screen T.V. leather couches and a medium sized coffee table.

                The kitchen looks like it was owned by a professional chef. It had a giant stove, all the pots and pans you could think of and two huge ovens.  

                “There must a lot of you guys living here if you have such a big house.”

                “Yeah there are 350 guys and about 215 girls. When a guy or girl finds their mate they automatically become part of the pack.”

                “Is that why Taylor is part of the pack, because she’s your mate?” just saying that hurt my heart and my wolf.

                “Well, that’s why I wanted you to come with me. We need to talk, it’s really important”

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